new from Texas (5+ years ago)

FUKK I seriously wish every single one of those things would fukking DIE DIE DIE!!!!!! I don't care about the balance of the ecosystem when it comes to that, DIE!
[ame=""]Spider dances the Tango! (Dancing with the Spiders!) - YouTube[/ame]
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It is more commical to post spiders and listen to her complain than it is to post snakes and listen to Snedge. :hehe:

Big whinny baby. Even my kids came into the shop the other night...."daddy, there is scorpion in your bedroom on the floor." So we walked slowly into the house and smooshed it and they went back to Ratatouille. LOL
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It is more comical to post spiders and listen to her complain than it is to post snakes and listen to Snedge. :hehe:

It seriously makes my heart race and I frackin PANIC. Now I am paranoid that one of the little sh!ts is in my newly OCD cleaned office... I hate you.

UPDATE: I FOUND ONE! I SAW IT! I threw my shoes, a water bottle and 3 pens at it. I even tried to spray it with Lysol (the can has a poor range).

Edit: Scorpions and snakes etc, don't bother me in the slightest.
You should try least the letters are in the correct order. A few months ago the little girl went to pee in the rocks beside mom's vehicle. Mom saw a trantula just under the car about a foot from her and liked to have a dayum heart attack.
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It seriously makes my heart race and I frackin PANIC. Now I am paranoid that one of the little sh!ts is in my newly OCD cleaned office... I hate you.

UPDATE: I FOUND ONE! I SAW IT! I threw my shoes, a water bottle and 3 pens at it. I even tried to spray it with Lysol (the can has a poor range).

Edit: Scorpions and snakes etc, don't bother me in the slightest.

Brake kleen with the straw. 10' range. Very flammable.
Kill it with fire!
Sakes are cool and ive never come across a scorpion in Illinois.

Posted while playing HALO 4
You should try least the letters are in the correct order. A few months ago the little girl went to pee in the rocks beside mom's vehicle. Mom saw a tarantula just under the car about a foot from her and liked to have a dayum heart attack.

I would have absolutely DIED.
Brake kleen with the straw. 10' range. Very flammable.
Kill it with fire!
Sakes are cool and I've never come across a scorpion in Illinois.

Posted while playing HALO 4

I have some Brakleen under my desk, but no lighter etc. Plus someone jacked the straw :soap:. I also don't think my building manager would appreciate me explaining why I burned down my office...

I like snakes.

I just killed a few scorpions that were hiding in Ace's blankets out at the barn, that my barn owner carelessly threw on the ground.
I'm not afraid of snakes. If I see them first.:)

Poison scares me though.
Poison scares me though.

Me too .... especially since my wife probably knows which one to use on me and also knows a little about a tissue digester. :hehe:

Brake Kleen works great on yellow jackets as well....if you don't mind a few paintless stripes on the shop walls. ;)
Just plain gasoline works for bees, wasps, and horny horny hornets. Put it in a weed sprayer. It's one of the few good uses for such an inferior fuel.

Posted while playing HALO 4
I try not to kill insects. When they become pests, they die.

Tissue digester ! I understand why she scares you.