new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Salmon is stupidly healy for you. Not the leanest meat out there but lean enough. I like mine with garlic salt a little pepper and grilled on a hot grill. Sometimes I put some virgin olive oil but not usualy
Any fish, too me, means butter.

I'm going to try eating more pants. ? I don't get it though. Do you eat the bean soap in the link, to flavor the pants?
Boo, plant based as in less of the meat in general. There are several recipes on there, the bean soup was just the most recent posted.

Sent from my nerd lab
Salmon is stupidly healy for you. Not the leanest meat out there but lean enough. I like mine with garlic salt a little pepper and grilled on a hot grill. Sometimes I put some virgin olive oil but not usualy

I'm sitting here eating my pie as I read this. Diets suck.
I'm going to be baking cookies very soon. If I show up to dinner without them, I might get shanked.

Sent from my nerd lab
Merry Christmas Jeff

I got it yesterday. !!!!!!!!

Too much pressure. I'm shy. But, I'll go ahead 'n practice Little Wing, or Superstitious, convince myself I'm going to do it, ultimately lose my nerve, then you guys can pick on me.

I only wanted to share my happiness and....
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Too much pressure. I'm shy. But, I'll go ahead 'n practice Little Wing, or Superstitious, convince myself I'm going to do it, ultimately lose my nerve, then you guys can pick on me.

I only wanted to share my happiness and....

Poor Boo. As long as you are happy with it, then that's all that matters to me! :Cheer:
Yep. I'm mostly bird. Fish tastes...fishy. Salmon is pretty good though.

I'd like to roll into spring at fighting weight.

What are you fighting, the lid on a bottle of Geritol!?

Sorry, I just had to find my way back into this complete waste of space....