I was very careful about how I worded that. I retyped it 4-5 times.. LOL
Special treatment perhaps?
I do have the Banning abilities.
Man you talk about a pack of angry wolves...
LOL If you ban me, people will wonder what is wrong with the world! :hehe: Nah, they will carry on just fine without me. They do it all the time hahaha! But I can't guarantee that the grammar and spelling on this site will improve, in my absence... :shake:
You made my eye twitch a few times. But being the boss, I wasn't sure how long I'd be banned, for editing in pink... LOL
LOL If you ban me, people will wonder what is wrong with the world! :hehe: Nah, they will carry on just fine without me. They do it all the time hahaha! But I can't guarantee that the grammar and spelling on this site will improve, in my absence... :shake:
Once we get this thread to 10000, I know I'll be done with you. So, I ask that he please refrain until then. :hehe:
Way safer to post
I'll be shuttin this muther scratcher down when it gets close to the 9,999 post yo.
I just snorted water up my nose! LMFAO!!!!
Poor Boo, you are going to ruin his goal!
Seriously Girl, you need to be learning to speak Ghetto if you gonna be hanging wif us.
Seriously Girl, you need to be learning to speak Ghetto if you gonna be hanging wif us.
Fo sho. Uain' b'lien
If bad grammar empowers you, then you should be Superwoman after a few hours here.
Posted from the IPhone while driving with my knees in the wrong lane.
I say you shut it down when this thread hits 50% of the server storage for the entire site...second to that random pics abortion of a thread. :hehe:
Is Nacho on assbook?