new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Thanks guys, last night was rough to say the least... I miss her so much, I know it was the right thing to do but I miss her lots :( she was the best lil bitty dog ever...
RIP Taco.

Losing a long time friend is tough. Especially when that friend happens to be your dog. Dogs are so much better than people in so many ways.
I heard it said once, that the reason dogs are so loving is because they don't live as long as people. They just don't have time for the silly emotions that humans exhibit. They will love you flat out until their last breath.

Sorry Pink.
Couldn't have said it better. She had a huge fan base too, it was hilarious. When we found her we knew it would be a tough road with her and all her issues with being so tiny, but she fought REALLY really hard to stick around, she even fought the vet at the very last minute... thanks Boo.
Dayum, how did I miss this thread??? I only made it thru post 520 so far, but a hot girl, with good grammar and spelling, an education, a good job, who has been on African safaris, and likes diesels? Somebody pinch me...

Welcome to CompD!

Seriously (and sorry if you have already explained this somewhere between post 520 and present), what is your specific area of research? Back in a prior life/career I worked a bit in research, mostly physics but I did a lot of electron microscopy for bio and chem researchers. I somehow got a reputation for getting decent images and ended up making it into a few papers as a result. I dropped out of the PhD program with a year to go and went back to "regular" industry.

on edit: just read the last few posts, so sorry for you losing your dog. We lost ours a little over a year ago after 13 years. RIP Sadee and bb
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Dayum, how did I miss this thread??? I only made it thru post 520 so far, but a hot girl, with good grammar and spelling, an education, a good job, who has been on African safaris, and likes diesels? Somebody pinch me...

Welcome to CompD!

Seriously (and sorry if you have already explained this somewhere between post 520 and present), what is your specific area of research? Back in a prior life/career I worked a bit in research, mostly physics but I did a lot of electron microscopy for bio and chem researchers. I somehow got a reputation for getting decent images and ended up making it into a few papers as a result. I dropped out of the PhD program with a year to go and went back to "regular" industry.

on edit: just read the last few posts, so sorry for you losing your dog. We lost ours a little over a year ago after 13 years. RIP Sadee and bb

I thought this thread had died until someone started it again today LOL

You are FAR too kind and generous with your compliments! I sure do appreciate them, very kind of you :) don't forget the horses and livestock in general!

I graduated with a BS in biology with the intent to teach high school biology. I got tired of the masters program, applied for a job at the university and moved. Our lab focuses on bioorganic pathways; our main goal is to find pathways using thiamine-dependent bacteria to create more natural and holistic drugs. My PI's goal is to create a type of anti-cancer medication that works with the body's natural processes to battle it rather than bombard the body with harmful chemicals. It's interesting to say the least but too much synthesis for my liking. For now I stay 80% in the office and 20% in the lab. I am hoping to start a new bacterial screen using thiamine so we'll see!

Physucks (yup, that's what I said) makes me cringe. I am definitely an organismal biologist; zoology, ecology and the like. I did field research for a few years in high school and even have a dog named after the genus name of the mice we were studying (Zapus hudsonius) when I found her on a trap site of ours (she's the b&w/tri-color mid-size dog in the pictures above). Lab work just isn't my thing lol this is a doorway for me elsewhere... eventually!

Thanks, it was a really hard last 24 hours; I am still coming to terms with it. I wasn't quite ready and neither was she :( my poor bb Taco, she was a good lil chihuahua!
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This thread is sad. Some man cards need to be pulled, if their wives haven't already threw them through the paper shredder.
Welcome to compd "yea im late" sorry about the lil one. We got a call a couple days ago secratary asks if one of us can go bury a horse? Yea I can go I get out there and it was a 10 year old little girls. It was rough to say the least kind of a little service in the pasture. Hit close for me (6 yr old daughter) and seen her lose a cat and we have horses one seems to b goin lame its tough.
I will freely give up my "man card" when it comes to animals and my pets.

In the last two years I lost my cat "Bubba" and our two horses "Azi" and "Satori".

I don't mind sayin hat I cried like a little girl with all three.

Pinkster, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I sure hope you feel better soon!

I've heard it said before, "BE THE PERSON YOUR DOG THINKS YOU ARE"!

If the people would act this^way, the world would be a better place.
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I will freely give up my "man card" when it comes to animals and my pets.

In the last two years I lost my cat "Bubba" and our two horses "Azi" and "Satori".

I don't mind sayin hat I cried like a little girl with all three.

Pinkster, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I sure hope you feel better soon!

I've heard it said before, "BE THE PERSON YOUR DOG THINKS YOU ARE"!

If the people would act this^way, the world would be a better place.

I wasn't referring to the losing of animals/best friends, the rest of it though........


Oh play nice bif hahaha

You dare correct me? It's on like donkey kong
Welcome to compd "yea im late" sorry about the lil one. We got a call a couple days ago secratary asks if one of us can go bury a horse? Yea I can go I get out there and it was a 10 year old little girls. It was rough to say the least kind of a little service in the pasture. Hit close for me (6 yr old daughter) and seen her lose a cat and we have horses one seems to b goin lame its tough.

hahaha welcome to the party... I think?
(I'm not gonna be a jerk and correct that, I've had a really long day)

I will freely give up my "man card" when it comes to animals and my pets.

In the last two years I lost my cat "Bubba" and our two horses "Azi" and "Satori".

I don't mind sayin that I cried like a little girl with all three.

Pinkster, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I sure hope you feel better soon!

I've heard it said before, "BE THE PERSON YOUR DOG THINKS YOU ARE"!

If the people would act this^way, the world would be a better place.

Awww sweetie I know how hard that is! I went through this about 2 years ago with our family dog who had bad seizures too :(

I completely agree with that quote, it's so so so true!! *sigh* if only people would...

You dare correct me? It's on like donkey kong
