new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Ps....Urban Dict


Jarrod has a better chance of his truck magically turning black than his truck doing a burnout before staging.
Jarrod has a better chance of gettin laid than owning anything like what he's got in his avatar.
Jarrod would run faster times riding his Unicorn down the track than driving his truck.
Jarrod has a better chance of gettin laid than owning anything like what he's got in his avatar.
Jarrod has a better chance of his truck magically turning black than his truck doing a burnout before staging.


Jarrod would run faster times riding his Unicorn down the track than driving his truck.

:doh::doh::doh::doh: i wanted that to die

are you and junkymalibu brothers?
probably not his since he didnt know what "backhalved" meant.

come to think of it. no i didnt know what it ment but im not into the pulling or drags that much so im still learnin that.
Oh wow, what a gold mine we have come upon here....

First of all, don't put a pic of some random truck as your avatar. If it's a truck, it had better be yours no matter how junky it is (like ford chica).
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