new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Pantie droppa :hehe:

Oh wow, what a gold mine we have come upon here....

First of all, don't put a pic of some random truck as your avatar. If it's a truck, it had better be yours no matter how junky it is (like ford chica).

i can fix that lol. lemme see what i can dig up on pb :hehe:
I thought this thread had died until someone started it again today LOL

You are FAR too kind and generous with your compliments! I sure do appreciate them, very kind of you :) don't forget the horses and livestock in general!

I graduated with a BS in biology with the intent to teach high school biology. I got tired of the masters program, applied for a job at the university and moved. Our lab focuses on bioorganic pathways; our main goal is to find pathways using thiamine-dependent bacteria to create more natural and holistic drugs. My PI's goal is to create a type of anti-cancer medication that works with the body's natural processes to battle it rather than bombard the body with harmful chemicals. It's interesting to say the least but too much synthesis for my liking. For now I stay 80% in the office and 20% in the lab. I am hoping to start a new bacterial screen using thiamine so we'll see!

Physucks (yup, that's what I said) makes me cringe. I am definitely an organismal biologist; zoology, ecology and the like. I did field research for a few years in high school and even have a dog named after the genus name of the mice we were studying (Zapus hudsonius) when I found her on a trap site of ours (she's the b&w/tri-color mid-size dog in the pictures above). Lab work just isn't my thing lol this is a doorway for me elsewhere... eventually!

Thanks, it was a really hard last 24 hours; I am still coming to terms with it. I wasn't quite ready and neither was she :( my poor bb Taco, she was a good lil chihuahua!

I still tear up when my little girl brings up Sadee. It's rough to lose a friend like that. In our case she died suddenly after appearing in good health (especially for her age, 13 years seems pretty old for a big dog), which I keep telling her it was a blessing that she didn't have to suffer.

What did you cal Zapus hudsonius when yelling for her outside? ;)

I kinda felt the same way you do about Physics, especially after the prof I had for undergrad physics (who was a flaming moron). My BS is in Mechanical Engineering, but I wanted to finish my MBA (and the job market was horrible at the time), so I took a teaching assistantship that was open in the Physics department. I really started to enjoy the teaching and research aspect, but hated the departmental politics.

My gf and roommate in grad school were both biology majors (roommate finishing her BS, gf working on her PhD), and because of my research I knew a lot of bio and chem grad students. We were working on studying the muscle contraction mechanism of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the effect of various drugs and chemicals on the channel. I never really understood the biology side of it, but I got some pretty cool images ;)

My MS research was primarily theoretical physics, the mathematical modeling to test out some theories of a sensor based on laser-induced fluorescence on biological samples (there's that damn biology thing again!). It was kinda cool to read many years later in a trade journal that someone had taken my work and commercialized it (made a real working sensing device). I despised my MS advisor though (he was a slimy SOB just interested in getting the most MS students through, hoping it would earn him his tenure). I did way more research than was necessary for my thesis, so he gave my work to two other students, basically they took portions of my thesis that he edited out and put their names on it. I threatened to show up at their thesis defenses and ask questions they couldn't answer about the work, and showed up looking like I was going to, but threw them softballs in the end. My PhD research was into something called acoustic resonance spectroscopy, which uses the resonance of a physical body in response to excitation (yeah, the guys with their minds in the gutter will have a field day with that sentence, if they haven't fallen asleep at this point), to determine properties of that body. It has applications in everything from chemical weapons identification, to detection of salmonella in eggs.

As far as a man card, I lost that in my divorce anyway ;)