new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, dear lol just giving you a hard time! If I were trying to hurt your feelings, you'd know ;)
Meh, I haven't found anything I cant buy in a store, so your excluding of me doesn't hurt that much.

Why go to the store to buy cookies when they can be sitting on your porch when you arrive home from work?
My thoughts exactly. I was never fond of Ford, but since 2008 they have made leaps and bounds in the interior department.
My thoughts exactly. I was never fond of Ford, but since 2008 they have made leaps and bounds in the interior department.

Tell me about it. I thought my 05 KR was nice until I saw the 08-10 KRs. Then the 2011s

And how can you say stuff about Fords interior when you drive a goat? :poke:
My 04 is awesome, idk what you mean. 06 they went to chit.

Honestly the 11 KR leather felt cheesy to me compared to the 04ish KR, but the rest of it is winning.
I spend a lot of time in a 05. The Fords are much nicer.

The heated seats rock though. A lot better than my truck.
Cootie?! bif BOYS have cooties, not girls!

You should have just admitted I feel obligated to prove my post. I removed all links to the original location for security purposes. :D

You should have just admitted I feel obligated to prove my post. I removed all links to the original location for security purposes. :D


LOL that was when I was sick with bronchitis and walking pneumonia and the boss wouldn't let me go home bif my best friend in the lab made that to at least make me laugh :hehe:

Edit: thanks for not allowing stalkers to link it back LOL
63 pages, over 1000 posts, and she's only been here a month..... It's good to know that some things never change. :)

Welcome to CompD Christine, I have a well developed fondness for painting truck parts pink as well so I wholeheartedly approve of your truck.

I would say to enjoy your stay here, but it's obvious that you're already having a blast.

Boys, you're desperation is sickening. LOL
Thanks Anna!! :) It's been... interesting? HAHAHA fun though! Glad to have another pink parts painting girl around here!
Hi boys. Yes, I'm alive, been busy with school. Finished one associate's degree and started another. I'll try to come around more often.

Christine, you should probably thank me for paving the way. I caught all kinds of hell when I painted the first part pink. Now they're all like "eh, more pink parts, it's a girl thing".