new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Well.... Have a good weekend everyone. I'm going home.

Remember kids, the new goal is 1500.
Idk I can't imagine a world without boobs. They make the world spin.

iPhone Tapatalk

From the guy that can do nothing but imagine boobs.

Don't give up Jarrod. Eventually a girl will notice you sittin in the corner looking at her:poke:
There are 207 (after this one) posts to go in order to reach Jeff's goal. You guys better get to talking about completely irrelevant stuff in a hurry.
There are 207 (after this one) posts to go in order to reach Jeff's goal. You guys better get to talking about completely irrelevant stuff in a hurry.

Anything posted in the thread since like page #2 has been irrelevant to the introductions
Hey leave us po' folk alone! I made cookies and was going to invite you to have a few, that's now revoked :) again hahaha
At least you can drive around without smoking all over the place. I gotta get smaller injectors. :doh:
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