new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Jory, Brandon you both better HUSH it!!! I've had a longggg weekend bif

Michael how did you end up doing overall?

Hope your weekend was good as well as long!

I ended up 2nd in the "Ultimate Gambler" race, and lost the round before the money (4th round) in the regular race. I lost in the regular race when I broke a roller lifter and the car ran slow (and we were down to the finals in the gambler, they said they would run us whenever both of us lost in the regular race). I was hoping my opponent won a few rounds to give me time to fix it (he did)! I replaced 6 lifters (others were starting to wear), but my idle oil pressure is low, hopefully it's ONLY a trashed oil pump. Will pick up the new pump on the way home, drop the pan and check bearings tonight. At my local track I'm now in 4th place in points, and the top 6 get to run the "race of champions" at our division finals, hopefully I get the car working by Wednesday! I've got another bracket car that I need to reassemble, hopefully have them both together so I have a backup!
i would cut off my hands with a salty turkey carver just to have the chance to read your phone number, in size 12 serif font, off of a car traveling at 70mph while Snookie was on my back furiously fist pumping my head.

Although very bad, it's not the worst pickup line I have heard. LOL
I would let a blind epileptic man shave my entire body with a hunters knife then swim through shark infested waters with a pool noodle as my only weapon while Snookie rode on my back farting into a snorkel as my only means of oxygen, just to get the chance to purchase your bikini bottoms after they had been donated to Goodwill then bought and worn by a homeless male prostitute for 5 years.
I would let a blind epileptic man shave my entire body with a hunters knife then swim through shark infested waters with a pool noodle as my only weapon while Snookie rode on my back farting into a snorkel as my only means of oxygen, just to get the chance to purchase your bikini bottoms after they had been donated to Goodwill then bought and worn by a homeless male prostitute for 5 years.

The one thing I'm getting out of this (aside from weird creepy feelings) is that he has a thing for Snookie...
I had to sit in the piss poor excuse that ford calls a backseat. Needless to say after the hour drive to get where we were goin, I was about ready to kick the fukking doors off to get out of that bich. LOL