new from Texas (5+ years ago)


double chocolate chip...

Kyle, you're missing out... that pink dollar could be acceptable for COOKIES. Nothing else.

Brandon, does that mean you're going to be... NICE?!:eek:
You have a better chance of talking a hooker into charity work...... but sure, we can give it a shot.
Meh, I've found that cookies say they like nice guys, but in reality they like guys that could care less about them.
But onions are good in small doses, cookies are great in HUGE doses. Like women. I think I'm getting it.
Fickle perhaps? Sounds like someone has a little cookie drama/baggage... LOL

Nope, no cookie drama or baggage. It's nice......being able to eat anyones cookies whenever I'd like, plus being able to go to the store and buy cookies if I get a sweet tooth.
First- If you ever take me serious, it's your first mistake.

Second- I know all about possessive punctuation woman! I'm just too lazy to do it. :D