new from Texas (5+ years ago)

See his laziness comment above.

Also, I don't anticipate you shaking your rear at him as something that is gonna incite him to do anything other than repeat whatever action initially lead to the rear shaking...

:doh: well I figured it would get his attention for a split second to attempt to get my point across? Can't say I didn't try! :ugh:
See his laziness comment above.

Also, I don't anticipate you shaking your rear at him as something that is gonna incite him to do anything other than repeat whatever action initially lead to the rear shaking...




:doh: here we go with the wide load again...
Hold on there skipper, I never said anything about YOUR big rear end. Maybe I just wanted to share some Tuesday afternoon mix a lot with everyone..... LOL
I didn't agree to anything, mister bif you'd be LUCKY if I cooked for you or even graced you with my presence at dinner! LOL oh who am I kidding lol