new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Its about time the cookies got sent!

Fatass :poke: hahaha next time don't eat the entire package of cookies I send in a week HAHAHA

I hate you guys, I have to read this while on the treadmill. Phuck the treadmill.

You can be on the next mailing list if you want :lolly:

I can't do the treadmill anymore. Way too boring unless speed channel is on. I have to run outside now to stay sane.

I hate the treadmill, I usually take the dogs out or go riding instead; on days my horse acts like an idiot I get a full core and lower body workout LOL
Is there something threatening nearby? I can't understand why y'all are running??

I don't run. I walk. I'm not exaclty a high intensity cardio type of guy.

You can be on the next mailing list if you want :lolly:

I hate the treadmill, I usually take the dogs out or go riding instead; on days my horse acts like an idiot I get a full core and lower body workout LOL

Thank you, but no. That'd mean more exercise. And I'm really tired of it as is. I'd avoid the treadmill and go outside too, but I train people from time to time and need to stay close by.
I will do what I want with my cookies.

Make sure Casper gets a bite!

Thank you, but no. That'd mean more exercise. And I'm really tired of it as is. I'd avoid the treadmill and go outside too, but I train people from time to time and need to stay close by.

Your loss, bud :) and that sucks about not being able to get outside to exercise as much. I used to love going up to CO in the summers to do cardio while I was doing my field research. When I got back to my sports in VA it was like swimming in air!
I know what you mean about swimming in the air! I lived in coastal NC for 5.5 years, and had been commuting by bicycle before that. I learned really quickly that in NC: a) The humidity makes rides a lot tougher, and b) the locals seem to try to run bicycles off the road. I wondered why none of the cyclists wore bright orange vests like I always did in Oregon, it's because it made them an easier target!
And I need to lay off the Easy Bake Oven goodies, I managed to lose 26 lbs (and about 3" off my waist) in the past few months, and I want to stay that way!!!
I know what you mean about swimming in the air! I lived in coastal NC for 5.5 years, and had been commuting by bicycle before that. I learned really quickly that in NC: a) The humidity makes rides a lot tougher, and b) the locals seem to try to run bicycles off the road. I wondered why none of the cyclists wore bright orange vests like I always did in Oregon, it's because it made them an easier target!

And I need to lay off the Easy Bake Oven goodies, I managed to lose 26 lbs (and about 3" off my waist) in the past few months, and I want to stay that way!!!

HAHAHAHA orange vest = target. Here on campus I swear I am going to inadvertently kill a cyclist or two... they constantly come down the wrong way on the roads, cut me off and try to squeeze in between vehicles. I am just waiting to pass one of them and catch them with my towing mirrors...

LOL well then my cookies would thwart that goal of yours, I won't tell you how much sugar, butter and chocolate chips go into them... :lolly:

Highly unlikely.

Just watch; I'll bait him with the doggy crack :)
Lake > doggy crack

Wait you mean you already sent some out? You never asked me for my address, how are they going to get to me?