new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Wait you mean you already sent some out? You never asked me for my address, how are they going to get to me?

Well, looks like I'll be putting you on my next mailing list LOL I think I need to set up a side business here...

meh, they're just chocolate chip anyways.

RUDE! bif remind me not to send you some again!

That wouldn't happen if he was wearing a c-sting

Please lawd NO NO NO oh please none of you guys wear those... :Throwup:
I was only kidding. Im a fat kid, I like all sweets. :poke:

:poke: are you gonna take over the roll of fatass over Grayson?! uh ohhhh

Leave me be! I am grilling chicken tonight. So.... that makes up for my fatass-ness.

LOL whatever, soon I'm gonna start calling you tugboat...

I don't exactly think a c string would fit....and that's not me being boastful either :poke:

LOL oh good grief...