new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Matt- your text was rude! You're just jealous of Pinky truck it's ok, I don't blame you!

Sweet Muffin- you'll get cookies don't worry :)

Jarrod- Zapus is a 'ho lol
:blahblah1: you act like I 1) remember this and 2) care ;) bahahaha kidding! I was just being nice, dangit!
And I appreciate it, but by the time I saw your text, my weekend was over and I finally text ya back. And thats when you were rude :poke:
Just admit you are rude and have an ugly truck with a crappy engine so we can get back to zombie apocalypse plans...
I'm not rude bif my truck is prettyyyy and runs wonderfully, jerkface LOL

Brandon... You admitted to wanting a Ford... :stab:

Carry on with apocolypse zombie talk lol
My zombie apocalypse plan includes torches, and not being the slowest. I will kick out a persons knees to make sure I'm not the slowest. :)