new from Texas (5+ years ago)

This post...
Reminded me of this shirt...

That Melissa sleeps in sometimes. It was especially ironic the other night... Anyway...
I bought Goldeneye for the Wii, it came with the shirt, I was gonna use the shirt for a rag, Mel thought the shirt was funny, added to to the old shirts she sleeps in sometimes.

The other night she was wearing it and feeling frisky. I'm sure yall can piece together the rest...
So.... she wasen't baking. Bad for me, but... good for you.
I see where I stand.LOL
It's to hot to turn the freaking oven on.

If it ever cools off we will send more baked goods your way. I can't promise quality packing materials though...
Does anyone remember the old (maybe the original?) 1st person shooter game Wolfenstein 3d? Or are y'all too young for that? I got a copy right when it came out when I was in grad school, and promptly stayed up for about 48 hours straight until I had completed all the missions. After that I never touched it again except if I was at someone's house and they couldn't get past a particular adversary. While not zombie related it was fun.

TheBigNasty - is that AR in 6.8SPC or .308 or 7.62? May just be the photo but the cartridges look larger than 5.56. I'm gonna dust off my ARs and go shooting on Sunday morning, haven't had those things out in months. I'm fortunate enough to have 20/10 vision, which helps in spotting the zombies (but not the invisible ones). Can we rig up some sort of trap that covers them in baby powder so we can see them? Might be better than the aforementioned mines, in that you can just wash the powder off of Fido if he gets too close to the perimeter...
And do invisible zombies put off enough heat to be seen in Infrared? I live close to FLiR Systems, if there is an apocalypse I can probably run over there and grab some units.
I remember Wolfenstien 3D...

All my research leads me to believe that zombies are roughly ambient temperature, being undead rotting flesh...
I like Michael's idea of baby powder for the zombies; seems effective, no?

All these guns make me want to go take a big hunting trip soon...