new from Texas (5+ years ago)

You didn't have to because you knew I would; it drives me nuts! They are two different words with to completely different meanings! :stab:

Do tell Professor Ruggles!

I knew it would drive you crazy. I think I found a new hobbie!



Do tell Professor Ruggles!

I knew it would drive you crazy. I think I found a new hobby!

At least y'all can catch it. Thank goodness, you are not complete 'tards! I just have to check and make sure that y'all are not succumbing to the complete obliteration of the English language that has been displayed recently! :)

Travis; game on!
Pinky, you still working for TAMU? I haven't seen your truck in awhile

I sure am! Pinky truck is still sitting parallel to Wellborn, backed into the bushes so the parking nazis do not ticket me for taking 2 spaces... :doh:

Did I know you were in B/CS? I can't keep track of y'all sometimes!
I sure am! Pinky truck is still sitting parallel to Wellborn, backed into the bushes so the parking nazis do not ticket me for taking 2 spaces... :doh:

Did I know you were in B/CS? I can't keep track of y'all sometimes!

That's where I remember it, just been staying away from that traffic.

Probably not, just another CR with a Corps sticker...and alot of toolboxes
That's where I remember it, just been staying away from that traffic.

Probably not, just another CR with a Corps sticker...and a lot of toolboxes

Yeah that traffic is :bang. Just this morning some little Civic tried to whip around me in the merge lanes; I casually swung into the lane at him. His "little tyke" horn made me laugh!

Do you go to school at A&M or are you graduated? If you see me driving, honk and wave and then tell me that you did later lol that way I can say "oh THAT'S who honked at me!" LOL
Pinky truck is still sitting parallel to Wellborn, backed into the bushes so the parking nazis do not ticket me for taking 2 spaces... :doh:

Jackwad parking nazi gave me a $10 ticket at Hideaway Pizza yesterday at noon for having a dual over the line.
Yeah that traffic is :bang. Just this morning some little Civic tried to whip around me in the merge lanes; I casually swung into the lane at him. His "little tyke" horn made me laugh! Why do they let these out of Bryan

Do you go to school at A&M or are you graduated? If you see me driving, honk and wave and then tell me that you did later lol that way I can say "oh THAT'S who honked at me!" LOL

I'm a student. Will do, just fixed the train horns so you should be able to hear me.
Jackwad parking nazi gave me a $10 ticket at Hideaway Pizza yesterday at noon for having a dual over the line.

Death to them. I got one fired almost 2 years ago for being a jackwagon about my parking (which was LEGIT. ALL 4 tires were in ONE parking spot!).

I'm a student. Will do, just fixed the train horns so you should be able to hear me.

I hate Bryan, so much. If I didn't currently reside there (and if my horse wasn't in Bryan as well) I'd say just burn it. All of it.

Oh great, one of those! LOL I had a little 150 blow its train horns at me a few weeks ago and I laughed so hard. I didn't know which was funnier though; the fact that he thought I would think it was cool, or that there were train horns on a 150!
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I hate Bryan, so much. If I didn't currently reside there (and if my horse wasn't in Bryan as well) I'd say just burn it. All of it.

Oh great, one of those! LOL I had a little 150 blow its train horns at me a few weeks ago and I laughed so hard. I didn't know which was funnier though; the fact that he thought I would think it was cool, or that there were train horns on a 150!

Agreed on that one.

Spend a couple years driving around in the valley. You'll have a hard time just honking and not making use of a CHL.
The heck with grammar, parking Nazi's, and most of all work. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343326346.521837.jpg


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thank you. This should help me a lot. Get my education on compd haha

LOL I helped one of the members right before his English final a few weeks ago. He said he learned more in just 1 hour of my texting to explain things to him, than he did the whole semester (I will attribute this to my teaching background). I am by NO means brilliant, but I do love proper spelling and grammar! :rockwoot:
It's just for a few days. I have just been busy as crap. They moved me to another crew digging out and pouring back concrete so I stay pretty busy during the day now. Between the city and working for farm the part time I have full schedule lol. One more decent cutting of hay and I will be ready for winter time though.
It's just for a few days. I have just been busy as crap. They moved me to another crew digging out and pouring back concrete so I stay pretty busy during the day now. Between the city and working for farm the part time I have full schedule lol. One more decent cutting of hay and I will be ready for winter time though.

LOL First you complain you're not busy enough, now you complain you're too busy! Just giving you a hard time, bud! I am so glad everyone is getting good cuts of hay this season, I am not as worried about the winter as I was this past year.