new from Texas (5+ years ago)

You do realize that if you emerge victorious from this contest you'll be obligated to post a pic of yourself inside of this yet-to-be-designed shirt, right?
You do realize that if you emerge victorious from this contest you'll be obligated to post a pic of yourself inside of this yet-to-be-designed shirt, right?

Yup, which is ok. It's a t-shirt! So it's not like it's going to be all that exciting for y'all! LOL

Edit: To clarify.. the t-shirt WILL BE worn WITH jeans, flip flops etc. I will be fully clothed.
:doh: :bang It is never ending, is it? LOL

Yes. Never ending.

One small drawback of being a girl on a predominantly boy site. You'll be fine.

There is but one way to end it, however; I honestly believe you have more self respect than that. That sucks in a way, but... 10,000 or "bust".

( Get my Ninja Pun there?)
You are so very clever, Boo! :hehe:

I am glad you know I have more self respect than that.

10k? Oh my... We are just over halfway there at a little over a year. :aiwebs_016:

ruh roh....


LOL They always find this thread...

Ok y'all, need your help. It's not a huge deal but if you get a chance, can you go like this for me? :) They are coming up with a new t-shirt and I would love to have Pinky truck be a part of the design for it!

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This one actually seems to have a little common sense though or I would have went after him.

Done Pinky.

Will there be any rope involved while wearing the t-shirt?
But then again, if I had my own set of hooters I wouldn't get anything done. My hands would be full 24/7.