new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I just had to share this... in light of my welfare, free loader neighbors complaining that my dogs bark "all day" from 8a-5p, my mom had a nice response for them...

...or put up a sign that says, "Don't like barking dogs? Stay the F away from my apartment and/or GET A JOB!

SHE NEVER uses any euphemism for the f word. EVER. I am seriously dying laughing! Ok, carry on!
I really like mom. LOL

Screw the gold fish, just take the Duke out of the nitrogen and thaw him out. I want to see what he thinks of this generation. :(
I really like mom. LOL

Screw the gold fish, just take the Duke out of the nitrogen and thaw him out. I want to see what he thinks of this generation. :(

You want to see John Wayne in jail??

Epically post by a dumb phone.
Freeze him again, let him serve his three life sentences, repeat process. :D

The Duke is NOT dead, Jeffery. Skip to 3:40 or listen to it all. It will explain a lot.

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I really like mom. LOL

Screw the gold fish, just take the Duke out of the nitrogen and thaw him out. I want to see what he thinks of this generation. :(

When people wonder I get it from, I just point to her... LOL

Hell, he'd have everyone being held accountable for their own actions! I am going to go home and watch McClintock! after I go riding tonight!

NO..just want to see him thin the heard a little.


Which would land him in jail.

Epically post by a dumb phone.

No way... Boo has it right (minus the dead thing, that ruins the idea!)

Oh... the voice of reason. WTH ? It's the Duke, man. No jail could hold him. Plus he's dead, so....

So.....Boo....did you like the song? He used to be a Stillwater local. The bar he recorded that in is just down from the university....but the Wormy Dog is now closed. :( It used to be a redneck bar then got over-ran with a bunch of pointy-toed, snake skin, frat rat, cowboy wanna-bees. Most of us gave up on it and it went away a few years after that.