New guy from East TN

This sounds like a story we need to hear. :hehe:

So you gonna be able to make it?
Pretty much any story he tells starts or ends with "we were at Wall Mart".
He was even there on christmas day! The place was closed!:hehe:

Ill be able to make it, may bring the stack girls. That is if Moby wants his picture took?
May want to throw it up on the pit chat too. Ill bring some that arent on the forums much.
I'm not the only one that hangs out in the walmart parking lot. Ive seen a certain red dodge there
It kinda depends on my work schedule. Sometimes I don't know from day to day what I'll be doing. Bye the way, does anybody know what the winter schedule at 411 dragway is like for test and tune?
Maybe but I doubt it. He doesn't have very good social skills. I tried to get him to come watch UFC 92 last night but never did hear back from him. thanks alot pal.:poke:

He needs to come out and get that guy from Va. to bring his hucklebuck truck out the sticks and play.:charger:
Maybe but I doubt it. He doesn't have very good social skills. I tried to get him to come watch UFC 92 last night but never did hear back from him. thanks alot pal.:poke:

He needs to come out and get that guy from Va. to bring his hucklebuck truck out the sticks and play.:charger:

Man harsh words from such a little guy,maybe I will take that roll cage I got for your truck and put it in that hucklebucks from VA since he going to kick your ass at the track anyway.:hehe:
Maybe we can get Mark to Drag away from MCN and come up ;).

Ya we should be able to make it,got a guy coming in from Florida that week, if I get his truck done we will come up and chat.Good talking to you the other day,stop by anytime.
Man harsh words from such a little guy,maybe I will take that roll cage I got for your truck and put it in that hucklebucks from VA since he going to kick your ass at the track anyway.:hehe:

:blahblah1::umno:Did you read that to him, cause I don't think he can read, can he?:kick: