It still had a wicked lope, but did sound a lot better earlier in the day before the converter got toasted. Unfortunately I was busy with my day job as Associate Editor so I couldn't take any video LOL
I would be willing to try a couple combos I tried contacting quad but did not get anything back. My truck will be back together at the end of next week with a whole knew setup were hitting the dyno I wish I could get some numbers with a few different programming setups.
I just left mikes shop was there all day and all I can say is wow! The amount of time and engineering that has gone into these pumps is amazing. One other thing anyone out there looking for a converter/ tranny shafts or a full built unit. Mike pulled apart some of the big name converters and showed me how his unit compares to all others and straight up there in NO converter that can match his.2 years of engineering went into the converter alone. The poor quality and corner cutting that some of the big name companies out there are doing is just wrong and for the amount of money they charge is pure robbery. So please anyone out there looking for transmission stuff go to him first!