new redneck

people like you

excellent, so youre just a judgmental prick, because you dont even know me so.....

whatever, lol if you have a problem with people like me i find really funny that you spend your time on a forum making petty insults. get a life
I think he should do a 6.2L conversion in his '86 cheby ad make it smoke like a train.
I think he should capitalize stuff so he looks less like an idiot, and not get a diesel.
hey guys ive read this forum a bit now and decided I may as well actually register. im just your typical redeck from texas. I love going out and fawkin **** up in my 86 chevy although im thinkin of sellin and gettin somethin else soon. oh and i love huntin and killin **** haha :rockwoot:

im with ya on this one dude. Id run that deer down and spin my tires on the fuker so its guts go flyin hahaha

I think when a person makes comments like these, you could use them as a quick way to describe someone.
what exactly is wrong with you?


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I think when a person makes comments like these, you could use them as a quick way to describe someone.
Very true. As a hunter, I HATE those idiots, making us all look like knuckle dragging, mouth breathing tools.
im sorry I dont spend my life on forums and dont know wtf you are talking about.

I dont share your fascination with shift keys and capitalization.

I don't spend my life on forums either.

Then you don't belong here. We don't want you crapping up our forum.
dude seriously? whos crapping up the forum????? I just introduced myself. I didnt start ****
dude seriously? whos crapping up the forum????? I just introduced myself. I didnt start ****

You are. Look at your posts.

If you present yourself as an idiot we will have no choice but to assume you are one, and treat you accordingly.
Very true. As a hunter, I HATE those idiots, making us all look like knuckle dragging, mouth breathing tools.

I don't spend my life on forums either.

really wow yet you post around 200 posts every month, that seems freakishly high, dont you think

And if my original posts constitute being an idiot, then its safe to say based on the majority of peoples posts on this forum that we are all a bunch of idiots :)
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