new redneck

Just because we have diesels doesnt mean we are rednecks. Chances are you have nothing in common with us. GTFO
Please stop making our State look bad. Also explain to me why you enjoy killing? I am a hunter, I enjoy the challenge of the hunt, but I get no pleasure from watching an animal die.
i like the taste of animals
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I'm waitin on Rich to show up and own this guy. Until then, displaced your doing fine. Fire away good fellow!
I'm waitin on Rich to show up and own this guy. Until then, displaced your doing fine. Fire away good fellow!

really, you think hes doing fine haha thats a joke.

Me too because clearly none of you are "owning" me yet whatever the **** that means lol
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regardless im still waiting to get owned.

wheres rich so he can come own me hahah
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You're an idiot!!!!! I know, I'm stating the obvious. But I'm just letting you know so you don't get confused!
I said it twice before but think it applies here as well.

Go wash your mouth out with a honey badger.
Ugh, someone needs to go kick foxworthy and the whole blue collar crew in the testicles for making redneck a term these goat wrestlers take pride in.
i like the taste of animals
They are delicious aren't they...

I'm waitin on Rich to show up and own this guy. Until then, displaced your doing fine. Fire away good fellow!
Gracias amigo. I owe you a taco.
really, you think hes doing fine haha thats a joke.

Me too because clearly none of you are "owning" me yet whatever the **** that means lol
I'm doing what I always do.

I offer some helpful suggestions for you to save your opportunities to become a productive and valued member here, while at the same time offer you the opportunity to further display your stupidity to the membership at large here.

I'm not really a shark, I just help you chum the waters, and occasionally attack when the mood strikes.
regardless im still waiting to get owned.

wheres rich so he can come own me hahah
It will come when the time is right...
Ugh, someone needs to go kick foxworthy and the whole blue collar crew in the testicles for making redneck a term these goat wrestlers take pride in.

I am "Blue collar by choice" to steal the LaCrosse slogan thing. Those idiots make me embarrassed to say it...

Are u one of these???