new ride

If you lye on the floor and look up the brake pedal arm, you should see a switch that is about 6" up. Its only visible by looking under the dash. There's about 5 or so wires going to it. Then again mine is a 93 and a stick so it might have different colors and number of wires.

As for the radiator; watch out for the china knock offs. I never bought one but when mine went I read a lot about them busting apart just from the vibration and the old ones the guys took out were better. The one I bought was made by a company that also makes them for Ford. The name starts with a V but, I don't remember the exact name. After searching for a while for a good one, I bought mine from a radiator shop.
yeah the one i'll get is copper brass built.

Murray 432460 - Radiator | O'Reilly Auto Parts

it has a lifetime warranty on it, so ill take my chances with it.

is this the wire your talking about for the brake controller ? looks like
the po may have already had one as there is a cut wire with tape on it.


and then here are the other two connectors i was curious about.. ? maybe the one
in the background is the tach wire ? and the other one is attached to the ebrake

I think that's the switch in the first pic but mine has a lot more wires going to it. Depending on the brake box you get, it will need a positive or negative source to know the brake has been applied. You can just use a test light to find that.

The radiator I bought was a Valeo. I would just make sure the one you buy isn't made in china.
The tach plug is the one on the right in your picture. The wires are ( signal wire, switched positive, dash light circuit, ground.


so got the shocks replaced this morning and wow
what a difference. i think it had the originals
on there, maybe 1 replacement in its life. luckily
the radiator i got was not made in china, but in
taiwan hahahahahahaha.. it does have a lifetime
warranty so we'll see how long it lasts. about
to go get that swapped out now.

so no idea what the plug is thats attached to
the ebrake release ?
got the radiator in this afternoon and the
coolant flushed through the block really
good. these things really run cool i tell
ya that. was planning on keeping this
thing stock, but some 40 - 50 hp sticks
and a he351 are looking like pretty good
mods right now. going next week to get
a paint job estimate with some new weather