New shirts. What are your thoughts?

I like it, if your gonna do a vneck use the smaller v collar. I like the idea behind it.
I'd like to see "Hamilton Cams- Official Cam of Diesel Motorsports" on the back.
I's buy a few of those!
How about something like this for an image?

Hi Bersaglieri, glad you like my shirt. If anybody's interested in purchasing it, it's available at:

Here's my home page with all my currently available designs:

maybe a pic of a camshaft on the shirt?

man bus really hates skull
Classic hot rods. It was a different era. Check this out. talk about hada$$e$
Check out the crash at :20. Motorsports have come a long way!
Thanks for the thoughts. I was lucky enough to spend a week with one of the innovators of camshafts and modern hot rods a month or so back. The diesel industry is replicating what happened in hot rods in the 40's through the early 70's. Most people are copying, very few are innovating and there are a lot of people coming out with products just to sell, not to actually do something. At events I go to, I see a lot of folks racing with shade tree technology not too much unlike what you saw at Bonneville early on. That got me thinking about a retro type shirt. Are v-necks in? Not really, but that is kind of the point I was trying to get to. The cool cat daddio flat bills wouldn't wear it even though that is the roots of hot rodding. Hot rodding isn't what is on OCC or what Chip Foose is doing. It is building a 10 second car in your gravel driveway and making it work.

I respect people that race and that have piss and vinegar and a little ingenuity, and I have little if any respect for the trolls that just hand out their cc# and say build it. I am looking for a shirt that embodies the make it happen mentality America had before we got fat and lazy.

I am looking for a simple shirt that says," I don't wear flat bills, I have mixed blood and diesel fuel on my shop floor and I don't have to spend 20k on an engine to stomp a mud hole in your .... at the drag strip" That is what I would like to see more of.

Anti-popularity, atypical I guess I hit the nail on the head! I will print these up soon (minus v-neck) and I will keep the older designs that are more popular as an option

i agree zach. i like the retro look as well. i love the old school dragsters and love looking through the old photo albums from when my dad, uncles and grandpa were young. at all the old cars they built on shoe string budgets in their garages with junk yard parts. keep doing your thing man. i like the design minus the v neck.
sledpuller- all in good time

Giovanani definantly had some cool shirts. I have looked at getting the artist that did all of the NW bombers diesel pinup girls to do some for me but he never got back with me.

I have always liked the retro look but all of the flat bill stuff has pushed me to be more retro as I am repulsed by current styles. But what do I know, monster and rockstar sell a lot of shirts and drinks. Maybe I need to relent and go flat bill.

I spent a week with one of the founders of the hot rod scene in the 50's. I got to hear stories about Pete Peterson, Ed winfield, Big daddy Don, Sox and Martin, Dean Moon, Ed Iskendarian, Sig Erson and even some funny stories about Gale Banks' early days. What I found out was that the cam wars we have are the same thing they did except it was done in Pete Peterson's magazines and not compd. The other funny thing, only a few people were innovating, 80% were just copying. There are a lot of similarities.

One of the coolest things I saw was that the guys were not little sissies, they got bloodied up occasionally and didn't complain. Safety equipment was almost non-existent (I'm glad to see that change) , R&D was done 1/4 mile at a time and engines were built in shops that were one step above a gravel driveway.

I know they were not technically superior to todays engines, but I respect all of the work that brought sports to where they are today. Will, you are right, the design is just a nod to our hot-rod heritage.

I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement so I can't actually use his name for anything, but I will see if I can upload some of our conversations today about some of the people in the diesel scene.

I am getting some v-neck for the guys that dare buck the flat-bill trend and some standard shirts for the rest.
I don't really care for the slogan on the back, or any slogan for that matter.

I'd still buy the shirt as-is.