New shirts. What are your thoughts?


My final answer, with and without the v depending on your level of coolness

Make the letters bigger,fatter! Then maybe a chick holding a cam on the back with a caption like " I'd rather have a stick that works!"

My final answer, with and without the v depending on your level of coolness

I definetley think that is a winner!!!!!!! you could always do both V neck and crew neck shirts. I also like the Idea of an outline draft and cam on the back. Will these be availible in long sleve as well? I like to look cool when it's chilly out too!!
Old shirts are still available, when we get the next round in.

Long sleeves.....maybe for our nothern customers.

Fatter letters and chick with the stick that works. Fatter letters maybe.

On the chick thing, I will draw one on your shirt with a sharpie. I am sure with my level of artistic ability, nobody will be offended.

These shirts will be available in the coming weeks. WE are hoping to ship one out with every cylinder head. ;)
Sharpie?? I guess the centerfold for August is out! Damn! How about the blonde naked chick in Diesel power mag holding the sign?? Bet she could hold a cam properly! Here's another line for the shirt: "Custom lobes for her pleasure"
haha are we supporting a vendor or trying to fuel some jokes at the bar?
Hey zach, I want an old one and a new one. Please pm me whenever you have both available.

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How about some hoodies, no zippers Zach? Lots of us get cold in the winter and t-shirts won't cut it:lolly:

Just thought of that the other day
How about black tees? Don't have to worry about greese stains.
So I guess the slogan "Get Head from Hamilton" would be out of the question. :D :D

Seriously though, I dig the vintage look. Black is a good idea too.