NHRDA World Finals - Drag Racing Info

as much as a tech card and pit pass cost, i think he should!! LOL
Tech card was a surprise, if that is what it takes to have the biggest race of the year in the biggest state in the country so be it.
Randy, Is there any way we can get them to do some track prep for us super diesel guys after sportsman?
They tear it up pretty good, and the majority of us run slicks, or drag radials.
Just looking for some consistency is all..
Randy, Is there any way we can get them to do some track prep for us super diesel guys after sportsman?
They tear it up pretty good, and the majority of us run slicks, or drag radials.
Just looking for some consistency is all..

Good point, those big old lug tires tear it up pretty bad and yes the first 60' should do it unless you can see it is ripped up beyond it.
Good point, those big old lug tires tear it up pretty bad and yes the first 60' should do it unless you can see it is ripped up beyond it.

We use to start the big luged 4X4 out side the grove. Im not sure why we got away from it.
So for those that are local to the area, how accurate does the forecast of rain for saturday look?
10 percent friday and 30 saturday not too shabby. Never say the R word this close to a race again mmmmmmkay?
Showing late Saturday night, scattered.
We are good, quick and easy to dry.
alright...obviously a replay.

Ity's been running on my computer for a while with the game on TV...not quite paying attention. LOL