NHRDA World Finals - Drag Racing Info

holy chit nice save
The NHRDA World Finals has been called for today due to rain

Sunday - schedule of event

Gates open at 9am - All competitors and spectators must have your wristband on tomorrow for entry into the event.

Drag racing eliminations - 10am

Sled Pulling - Noon

The Awards banquet has been cancelled so competitors and spectators can head home after all the finals have been completed
That is pretty sorry that another truck smoked your lights, making you run a 7-8 or whatever, making you brake out and that truck didnt get DQ'd or even offered a re-run.
Well you can't control wind direction. He has a stack, and he beat me by a good margin. I would love a rerun, but I'm not upset.

I'm still stoked about knocking out Verlon in the 1st round. I was surprised!
Brett you did awesome. We're gonna be back in the morning, still have two trucks in sportsmans
Yup. That was awesome, Verlon got to join myself and Chris in the first round beer club.
true...but they are a bit less entertaining and the 0-4 Steelers are on.
I lost to Tyler Radewald in the Sportsman final, don't recall the name of the 11.9 winner, I think Brian Spooner won SS, Wade won Pro Stock and John Robinson Top Diesel. Pro Street I don't know.