open house day

I'd have been real leary of turnin him down side up, 'casue I'm pretty sure he got some of my chili, that right there loads a man for sasquatch !
Ask anyone who was at Spring Fling about the missed photo op when I had Lloyd by his ankles, and was holding him upside down, in front of me, trying to shake the change out of his pockets. Unfortunately, Mr. Mills was broke, and not wearing a belt, and his britches started to slide down, so I promptly returned him to earth.:hehe:

Yes he told me about this. :hehe:It was reported to me as an unprovoked attacked by you. He says he was minding his own business when you attacked him:poke:.:hehe::hehe:
Yes he told me about this. :hehe:It was reported to me as an unprovoked attacked by you. He says he was minding his own business when you attacked him:poke:.:hehe::hehe:

Of Course it was.:rolleyes:
Got back to the house at 8:00am this am after leaving at 12:30 am and 976 miles later, we had a blast and was great to meet ya all and talk ideas and setups with Coop.

The turnout was better than expected Saturday, it was a great event for the first time out, and Tim, you're rig is awesome.
Didn't go back today, but a great effort by all involved on Saturday.
Congrats Lloyd and crew.
:thankyou2:Super great. Thanks for everything Lloyd. That shop is perfect. You have a real good thing going. I am sure the future is bright for you and yours.

I was very glad to meet everyone I had a chance to. Even Sinner :hehe:
Oh, can't forget the TastyKakes:Cheer: Mikes the man.
Thanks Lloyd !!

I had a great time, It was nice to meet so many great people, and helping Tim with his killer Ford. Everyone handled themselves great with no "Smoke Issues" or anyone getting out of hand. What really blew me away was the 500hp 4BT that thing was a beast and to date one of the best sleepers ever seen. I wish I could make it down today but Im going to visit my son in Winchester.
Had a great time Lloyd!! Sorry I couldn't stay longer.

Tim, it was great meeting you and your truck is awesome!!!!
I had a great time, met some nice people and yea that 4bt was awesome to watch run!! Thanks Lloyd
Thanks for letting me run my own truck Lloyd. It was nice meeting people face to face. Does anybody have a video of my run? I had the primer gray dodge.
Oh yes, the one with all the oil leaks! Good run you did there!! Now, lets put twins on and let it rip again!
Sure! We could go run on the dyno then today too?? Lol! It was a good day yesterday. Hope today goes as good. Thanx for the great runs Lloyd!
I found a TastyKake in my back seat this morning when I got home....HaHa,
Greg the pleasure was mine,
Coop, Thanks for the input on the setup and that pump will go out to the shop for a real once over this week.
Snedge, I totally spaced introducing myself to you and will get with you about some new rings for my refresh build ( I will get you the piston #'s) and some seals too.

I want to thank Lloyd for not blowing up my truck....
and every one else I talked to yesterday since I only have had 4 hours sleep since Friday at midnight and driving almost 1000 miles but worth it.

I told the GF about the 4BT and she wants to know if it will pull her horse trailer in her 2001 F-150.......So I think I will be locating one and hooking up with the mad man who set it up.

See you all at the NADM event in July ?

Wow! I do not even no where to begin! Mo Smoke, I should've paid closer attention to your sig. I did not see you coming. I figured I was in for another 12v dodge truck that someone wanted to do some tuning with. When that thing rolled in, it blew my mind lol.

I cannot begin to thank you guys enough for the support. I had hoped and anticipated a good turnout for the event, but when the trucks started rolling in at 8 am, an hour before the scheduled start time, I was blown away by how many showed up that had not responded or left me know they were coming. Not to mention how much some of you traveled to get here! Both Tim's I know made a long trip of it, and I really want to thank you guys!

Then there is the guys from Jersey, what else can I say. lol I certainly hope you all know how much I appreciate you being there. No event is the same without Mike Mazur running around, blowing his train horns, or without Angelo's truck being worked on. :D Not to mention him telling me I needed to breathe when I was running around before the show trying to get everything together. :hehe:

I also want to thank CJ, Pappy, Joe, Tim, Wayne and Cooper for helping with the dyno bay and Wes and the gang for grilling up the food! I know there are many more that I have not mentioned, but I do not want you to think for one minute that I do not appreciate you guys. :D Nobody went unnoticed this weekend! Especially Lee and the group he brought. :D What can I say, that 4bt sleeper that ran on waste oil was wicked lol

Oh yeh, one more comment then I will stop rambling like a school girl. The hard luck award goes to 2 individuals this weekend. Wayne and Kai. Man guys, I am sorry about the bad luck encountered this weekend. So Wayne, just how exactly did you explain to your wife that "I" broke your truck again?

Thanks again gang, I will post the numbers for the event tomorrow when I get back to the shop
Lloyd, you know I would`nt blame it on you.:kick: i should have known by the look on your face, not to have turned that pressure box on.

But, I just wanted a little more power, I was so close 1000.

Yeah and Jim would`nt leave until he seen my wife yell at me and give me a good beatin:aiwebs_009:

Yeah and Jim would`nt leave until he seen my wife yell at me and give me a good beatin:aiwebs_009:


OMG LOL :hehe: :hehe: Jim is a trouble stirrer. lol He always seems to be around when something get's broke, then he conveniently enough is the one that supplies the person with a ride home. :huh:: I used to think he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart, but I am starting to think he likes to see the reaction of the wives when he has to take the husband home with a broken truck or worse, without a truck. bif:hehe: :hehe: