Paint Ball Gun Volunteers for Bikini Contest 2013

New rule. Whoever throws something has to shake John_P's hand. After that they wont be able to throw anything again. LOL
Just be sure to make that t-shirt launcher to have enough power to shoot a can of corn...LOL...that'll learn them sombiches...

Hmmmmm...ya' done gone and got me to thinking again :evil

The tank should be good for 200PSI, have to test that....

Team work work Billy, you point them out and I'll bish slap em'. :hehe:

They will be easy to spot, neon green for the paintballs?
Just have people randomly in the crowd with tazers. See anything like that and hit um with it and go on about your way to the next one.
Damn, sorry to hear of something like that! I'm a reasonable shot with conventional firearms, so I'll have to practice for the ballistics of a paintball gun for next year ;)
So your going to take head shots in a crowd of people with paint ball guns? This is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. Not condoning the idiots throwing the Frisbees at the girls but this is down right stupid.
So your going to take head shots in a crowd of people with paint ball guns? This is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. Not condoning the idiots throwing the Frisbees at the girls but this is down right stupid.

your stupid
I'm in! The dildozers that threw the stuff back probably had smoke switches. Lol
Sucks she got hit, but you cant expect to throw a frisbee into a crowd of people and not expect it to be thrown around. I wouldn't imagine that anyone purposely ment to hit one of the girls in the face(if they did then for sure deserve a ass beating)
Sucks she got hit, but you cant expect to throw a frisbee into a crowd of people and not expect it to be thrown around. I wouldn't imagine that anyone purposely ment to hit one of the girls in the face(if they did then for sure deserve a ass beating)

I have witnessed a couple of these at TS and there is actually a few very disrespectful retarded ****kickers in the crowd.
yea i went last year and it wasn't bad a few idiots here and there, nothing compared to the shied event though

If someone was purposely trying to hit the girls then that is very messed up, i've just been to alot of events where things are thrown into a crowd and most people just throw it back out to keep it going
I'm stupid? I am not the idiot suggesting to shot paint balls into a crowd. If this happens I hope you get one in the eye. Think about.

Do you honestly think we are going to do this???? I'd stop having the bikini contest first. Geesh...

And there were several of the girls hit by GUYS pelting them. They do deserve a frozen paint ball right at their gut..... but I'm sure Dennis will come up with a reasonable resolution to this matter... Going to be interesting :)

Sucks she got hit, but you cant expect to throw a frisbee into a crowd of people and not expect it to be thrown around. I wouldn't imagine that anyone purposely ment to hit one of the girls in the face(if they did then for sure deserve a ass beating)

Some weren't just throwing them around...they were coming at the stage pretty hard. I was up there and caught several and knocked several more down. Caught one right before it smacked Mike Dillehay in the head.
poor Morgan.... send her my way- i will take care of her!

poor frisbee..... mikey's head could have done some damage to it lol j/k
Sorry to hear about the ladies getting hit. Some guys have no respect for others.

Best bet is security ringing the stage. I wouldnt give things away that fly or can be used as a hard projectile. Stay with soft giveways like shirts and hats.
Do you have any problems with people throwing beverage cans/bottles at the stage? That could be a worry too.

The paintball sniper idea is intriguing, though.
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