Paint Ball Gun Volunteers for Bikini Contest 2013

Some weren't just throwing them around...they were coming at the stage pretty hard. I was up there and caught several and knocked several more down. Caught one right before it smacked Mike Dillehay in the head.

yes you did. thank you for that. its just kinda fukked that people would throw them directly at people who arent looking. throwing them "around", and throwing them "at" are 2 totally different things. i doubt whoever did it aimed to hit morgan... but they aimed to hit something on the stage, and no matter who you are a shot to the face is gonna leave a mark.

hey zippy... suk my balls.
Prolly threw them back cause they were left overs from last year with 2011 on them. LOL

jk This musta happened at the end?? I was there through all of the girls (even got a frisbee) then skidaddled and only seen one frisbee thrown around... didn't make it to the stage though. What a shame. People can screw up anything!
hey zippy... suk my balls.

:aiwebs_029: can't believe you held back.

In all seriousness, it is a shame Morgan had got hit in the head. I like Tom's idea about a security ring around the stage. I'd say about 5 feet in front of the stage...and keep the disc's out of the give away's. I think there are enough big dudes here on CompD that would LOVE to offer their time to help back up the security some how too. If it were me...and some how I got through the security ring...and ran into Rich or Kyle...I'd probably poop my drunk ass...LOL

I'm sure Dennis will figure something out too. Although I still think the T-shirt shooter that doubles as a canned corn shooter is a bad ass idea. How big of a barrel did you need Billy? 4" 304SS...:evil
New rule. Whoever throws something has to shake John_P's hand. After that they wont be able to throw anything again. LOL

I tried to tell ya to get ready for it!

In all seriousness though, that's b.s. I saw her noggin Saturday night and it looked terrible.
:aiwebs_029: can't believe you held back.

In all seriousness, it is a shame Morgan had got hit in the head. I like Tom's idea about a security ring around the stage. I'd say about 5 feet in front of the stage...and keep the disc's out of the give away's. I think there are enough big dudes here on CompD that would LOVE to offer their time to help back up the security some how too. If it were me...and some how I got through the security ring...and ran into Rich or Kyle...I'd probably poop my drunk ass...LOL

I'm sure Dennis will figure something out too. Although I still think the T-shirt shooter that doubles as a canned corn shooter is a bad ass idea. How big of a barrel did you need Billy? 4" 304SS...:evil

That should work just fine, I'll get it out and figure out how long it needs to be this weekend.


plus this:

Paint balls and cans of corn have horrible ballistics.

The 5.56 mm is tactically accurate with ball cartridges to 100 feet
Available in belt fed.
Paint balls and cans of corn have horrible ballistics.

The 5.56 mm is tactically accurate with ball cartridges to 100 feet
Available in belt fed.

And they are available in various colors......

...wanna know how I know....

....we train "force on force" quite today...

Makes a nasty little hole on the body.....right through Blue Jeans....LOL


Paint ball is for pooh-C's........Sim's - Force on Force training is for men....

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Oh BTW- in case someone says "paintball hurts".....I have played "Ironman Paintball"...

...which is only t-shirts and distance rules(point blank is OK).....highly modified shoot until the other person screams "STOP" because they can't take the pain anymore.

...I have NEVER lost at Iron Man paintball...

...would I do that with SIMS?......phuck way...I've been hit on bare skin more times than I'd like to count...and I have the scars to prove it...

ok...maybe I would.... once...just to see...LOL

I was starting to worry until page 3... lol

As much as I'm sure everyone would love to do this, like Dennis said it's not really gonna happen.

Police on scene, a witness or two to sign a written statement saying they saw the offender throw it, and a little while later there can be a warrant for aggravated assault with the offender facing jail time.

Not sure how many officers you employ Dennis, but I'm sure you could always use more.
Would be worth the money.
That sucks. Hope she is ok. :(

I say order a bunch of spider straps, a few backboards, and a couple of stakes. Take them down, strap them in hard, and leave them in the middle of the park with a giant sign saying "Woman beater" right above their head.


A 260lbs man strapped in can be hung upside down indefinitely...
Not quite sure what would have happened if Sarah would have got hit. Im pretty sure they would have been begging to get shot with a paintball gun. Lucky for the guy that did it Mosley is probably one of the coolest guys in the diesel world.