Ported Exhaust Manifold

I did just the manifold and noticed a great improvement in spool up.

Back on subject: I'm working on my second one now, a PDI and I bet I'll have and hour plus on each port and not getting crazy with it but it's coming out really nice.

Throw some pics of it up when your done Jim if you don't mind. I'd like to see what a good port job looks like compared to my hack job. LOL
if my manifolds comes off for any reason.... they're getting ported

got a butt load of carbide burrs and snap-on air grinders ready to go.
I have a PDI manifold i'm looking for more spool up since I put this H1c on. I want to have my head ported and im going to be running probably a 64/71-14. Should I wait until i get the head done and the other charger before I port the manifold?
Any of you all think extensive porting would make the differance running a 64mm or a 66mm on a 12v auto truck? Thinking about stepping up to a bigger turbo but have heard many many stories of the fun being over after going bigger.....
Yes I do think it would make a difference. I've also heard from several folks that a 64 makes more power than a 66 on a 12v. Would porting the exhaust manifold alone make a 66 driveabile on a 12v? Dunno. Never driven a 12v with a turbo that size. It made the 66 on my 24v a blast to drive. More so than it already was. But that's apples to oranges.
my ported head, manifold, and turbo made my 66/74 feel like my 62/65.
It's really got me looking to the s400's.
cHeck out Full Tilt Performance this is what he does for a living and does alot of them. He does manifolds for PDI to whether or not they will tell u that I don't know, but he also coats them too, much nicer coat then "Jet Hot" brand.
I spent about 6 hours on my stocker...port matching and smoothing things out, did the same to a T4 ATS I have...too bad I changed too many things at once to tell the difference, but I still think it's worth the time to at least port match everything!

Would a guy need to match the exhaust ports on the head too. I was wondering, I don't think they need it cause the exhaust is coming out not in. Just wondering what your guys thoughts were on it.

Where can someone purchase individual burrs and polishing wheels to do this type of work? Do they have to be carbide?(sp?)
Where can someone purchase individual burrs and polishing wheels to do this type of work? Do they have to be carbide?(sp?)

go back a few pages... carbide is gonna make life a lot easier when dealing with iron.