Pre DHRA Houston race party at DI!!!!

Hell, its a crewcab. You can pile in.

Dunno if you can handle all that DI power though. :poke:
What's the chances of holding PCRA qualifying eliminations at the DI Party? :pop:
I think that will increase the chances of early onset cirrhosis for most of the competitors.
Aha - great minds think alike...

I thought it would be a good idea to weed out the weaker competitors. :tree: :chug: :Throwup:
I will be there early with a Very large crew this year, Very large. Thinking about bringing a trailer down to camp out in instead of having to drive this year. Last year, the road kept moving, and I am not real proud of that. I am hosting the Austin pre-party on my boat, so I will have my hands full. FYI just like in the NAVY. I don't care if your a freakin admiral, you puke on the boat, you clean it up. LOL
Tim are y'all camping at HRP?

We're thinking of bringing the Weekend Warrior in addition to the GN...:Cheer:
I cant be thier the wifes bday it Friday so I got to take her out for a nice dinner or something? I hope to see the CompD poeple on Saturday.
are dodge guys aloowed at the di preparty? i wont talk too much crap!

I hope so! Hey, if we bring Shane's old POS 7.3 do you guys think someone can get it to outrun a VW bug?:hehe: That non-turbo slug won't even knock the leaves off the road at 70mph! :hehe:
are dodge guys aloowed at the di preparty? i wont talk too much crap!

We graced their presence last year, Scott. :bow:

Most diesel folks are pretty cool once the smoke clears. :st:
Got to check out the new DI location last week off 1960, he has piles of matresses ready for anyone wishing to sleep over. LMAO!
All joking aside. I think CompD has done alot to break down the brand war thing. A good time will be had by all.

Just to let everyone know. I am waiting on a call back from the caterer on specifics....but we will have Hamburgers, Hot dogs, links and all the fixins.