Pre DHRA Houston race party at DI!!!!

Angela, please tell me you don't eat the ones in the can. Those are the most awful........ things ever. At least bring the ones that are packaged like hot dogs, those are actually edible.
(Most of my husband's family is vegetarian)
crewgirl said:
Angela, please tell me you don't eat the ones in the can. Those are the most awful........ things ever. At least bring the ones that are packaged like hot dogs, those are actually edible.
(Most of my husband's family is vegetarian)

LMAO!!! Hey! There's quite a few brands in the can, just calm down. Natalie freaked out when I started pouring the juice in the dirt near the Sled Pullin track in Colorado, she swore I got hot dog juice on her truck. Sheesh. There's a few different brands that are good!!! lol I'll have to decide what I'm bringing.
Pangela said:
LMAO!!! Hey! There's quite a few brands in the can, just calm down. Natalie freaked out when I started pouring the juice in the dirt near the Sled Pullin track in Colorado, she swore I got hot dog juice on her truck. Sheesh. There's a few different brands that are good!!! lol I'll have to decide what I'm bringing.

Wonder what those would do to the digestive tract.

Does it have the clear snot like Viena Sausages? Gross!
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Is the Dyno pretty much first come first serve, or is there a sign up sheet? Thanks.
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imelmo said:



O God, Danny. My wife has a masters in food microbiology. I think I'd have to pass after seeing what raw meat can do to your poop in text books.
Wonder what those would do to the digestive tract.

Does it have the clear snot like Viena Sausages? Gross!

LOL no snot. I promise. Some of them are so 'real' tasting that you can't even tell. Although, some are totally gross, but non include snot. THANK GOD!
Pangela said:
lol someone give danny a lasso, his meat just took off across the pasture and is moo'ing at him ;)

"Just lop his horns off, wipe his nasty butt, and throw 'em on the plate for me. - Woody Harrelson, The Cowboy Way
imelmo said:
"Just lop his horns off, wipe his nasty butt, and throw 'em on the plate for me. - Woody Harrelson, The Cowboy Way

lol is that how you like your women too danny? LOL
holy crap, what a night.............LOL Pictures and Lots of Videos to come