Project DeRanged truck progress

Two rather large boxes showed up Friday with a turbo charger in each. While I cannot divulge at this time who they are from, I will say with 100% confidence that airflow will not be a problem. :charger::st::clap::clap:
I know that you know what you know, and it's the same thing that I know, but we can't let anyone else know what we know we know :D

Ok, note to self, don't ready Billy's post before you finish your cup of coffee in the morning....cuz...DAMN that just hurt my head....LOL :hehe:

Good to hear Tim! Can't wait to see this beast start to breath soot.......
The Axle shafts should be in tomorrow, and hopefully by this weekend we will have a rolling Chassis. Woo Hoo
None yet, but once we get a rolling chassis, we will get some from the side.
Gene is the man on this stuff. He just leaves no detail undone. Thanks goes out to Gene for bustin his ass on this truck.
Me too, and just so everyone knows, Chad, (hpprose) has been helping me out in many ways with this truck build. He has some very cool ideas! Thanks Chad!