Propane injection 2005 cummins

Pre-ignition is not good. It creates alot of extra heat and pressure. Your better off looking at other alternatives. To get more mpg you want to burn your fuel more efficiently not add more fuel.
I would look for a good turbo and a cam and go from there. I would try to get what I could out of it without having to inject anything more than diesel fuel.
I would look around for a good used factory metal intercooler. That will be plenty for what you want.
Think of it this way matt, the propane is already igniting, trying to push the piston down as its still headed to TDC.
Science doesn't change. You are still injecting a combustible into a volatile environment. You like gambling?

Why does Propane make a engine go boom? Timing - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

This is CompD, we'll fight all we want:stab:

We will also take your thread and turn it into such a train wreck you won't get any help if that's what we wantLOL

Or you can realize you have 7500 posts in 3 years and some pokemon bullsh!t for your picture, so get your ass off your computer chair throne and join the real world.

If you're going to help them, might as well be respectful.
Or you can realize you have 7500 posts in 3 years and some pokemon bullsh!t for your picture, so get your ass off your computer chair throne and join the real world.

If you're going to help them, might as well be respectful.
Or you can realize I don't sleep much and BS with my buddies a lot, I also don't pick my avatars. I'm pretty sure Phil gave me that one. All I know is I like it better than the one Billy gave me right before of Spongebob screwing a goat!LOL

I also find it funny that the OP doesn't seem to have an issue with me and you do. Maybe a fresh tampon is in order?:hehe:
Yeah propane used some parts from a propane forklift and a acetalyn regulartor and a Hobbs switch and have never had a problem and have had it turned all at the way up. I started at 7psi and moved forward brought down the smoke as well.

In my opnion and experience small amounts (gas grill regualtors) will not bother a diesel engine. If you start putting on the hi flow red regualtors like on house pigs, these flow enough to casue issues.

I would try a single gas grill regualtor on a 3 psi hobbs switch. Check mileage and MPG increase and go from there. I know plenty of sytems were used by freinds back in college with zero issues. The problem is the cost of the propane usally washes out the mpg increases.. You should pick up 2 to 3 mpg with the gas grill regulator. CNG looks like a winner from the DP Challenge guys using it, I believe kits are a little more pricey...

Timing only no fuel will net you mileage without the drugs...
I am thinking of injecting diesel into my propane barbeque to increase efficiency, but am concerned about burning and smelly: ribs,steaks and salmon, mabe water injection would help, could this increase beer consumption?
With everything I'm hearing I think that there are pros and cons to propane and in indivdualnsituations either can outway the other. In my situation the cons are overstocking the pros. My trucks got 166000 on it and pushing it more then I have with propane would probably not be the best without expecting to put more money into safeguarding or repairing. And let's CONTINUE to keep this thread argument and petty free. I think it will serve some good to others in my shoes. So no I don't have a problem with displaced Texan but prior comments were a little less then "friendly" either way it doesn't matter. Were all here because we love taking perfectly good trucks and making them so much better. And charger just watch the size of your injectors, if too big they will add soot to you're steaks and decrease the overall efficiency. I'm in the process of looking for intercooler, intake horn, and turbo/ compound using stock just without adding studs injectors or a more modified fuel system.
good stuff, i thought the link texan put up was right on
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I'm not real nice, but I can be useful:D

I wouldn't spend the money on an IC or horn... (If you have plastic tanks maybe, but not if yours is metal.)