Putting a modern turbo on a KTA1150

Did some browsing and the 317107 can be found online for $1400 give or take, might find it cheaper by shopping around though.
You wouldn't happen to have a link to the one you found? Nevermind I found a few links. Thanks again.
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You might give superior turbo a call in Detroit, they have been the lowest around on the last couple of turbos I bought.
Forget Garrett turbos. They don't hold a candle to Holset in reliability, especially at high boost.

An HX82 is your best option, its got flow enough for 45+psi on a KTA19. Look for a more modern one with a MFS compressor wheel.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afFFA_xVcSc"]Cummins KTA1150 pulling engine start up - YouTube[/ame]
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Forget Garrett turbos. They don't hold a candle to Holset in reliability, especially at high boost.

I've fought to disagree with the general consensus of members here that you are an idiot, but after reading this, I realized it was a pointless battle.