Race Truck build...

Whatsa matter Wade? Did you float him some parts and now want your cock stroked online in return? LOL

And before you say I don't have anything....I could build a brand new version of your used tube truck for what I have in my daily driver....so STFU

Hilarious. Love comp d
Whatsa matter Wade? Did you float him some parts and now want your cock stroked online in return? LOL

And before you say I don't have anything....I could build a brand new version of your used tube truck for what I have in my daily driver....so STFU

Some would say life's tough untill you walk in someone else's shoes.......Maybe i need orange lettered super mod status to understand.
just wanted to say nice build. and from one disabled vet to another thanks for the shout out to the soldiers
Whatsa matter Wade? Did you float him some parts and now want your cock stroked online in return? LOL

And before you say I don't have anything....I could build a brand new version of your used tube truck for what I have in my daily driver....so STFU

Thats funny stuff right there! :hehe: :bow:
Well guys sorry I havent bin on in awhile.. bin slammed at work and no motivation to work on mine at all.. tried but didn't happen!! I opened the door to it this week. thats about it.. I got almost everything I wil take some pics of some things for your guys.. doing some more machine work to know since I have so save a few more bucks after a recent unexpected rain of my bank account.. but the turbo compressor covers are done..and some other things are being polished as well.. I wish i had everybody on here to lend a motivational hand... work has bin draining me... but I will get back into it I promise....!!!!
Get out to a drag race or 2.. Going to an event of some sort always gets me motivated to work on the car... Cause I miss mine and I know I can do better than people I am watching... The long road will pay off, then it will be awesome!
Well I raced a civic in my DMAX...totally got the juices flowing what a great kill for the little truck!!! Saw a few races at Bandimere and im totally stoles to get going... once I finish some little things tomorrow im getting back to her...!!!!

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Well I raced a civic in my DMAX...totally got the juices flowing what a great kill for the little truck!!! Saw a few races at Bandimere and im totally stoles to get going... once I finish some little things tomorrow im getting back to her...!!!!

Hint Hint!!:poke:



I know your busy man... :)
David, I will send you the plugs for the head, if
Mike will make you the rest of it.
I definitely got the fire back... plus I new a knew lady who totally does it for me.!!!! Hahahahaha

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Well I have bin busy on it guys... no pics yet...!!! Well you know I have pics.. but my laptop crashed few weeks ago so I took it in and the feel squad allegedly backed it up but I still lost everything ...really sucks.. but I will get more up soon...

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Well I finally get my motor back next week...!!! And I will start building it.. should be ready to go in by the weekend!!!!

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I did learn to TIG weld last week aswell..!!! so now I can make everything I need!!! I'm still practicing on aluminum though!!!
I did learn to TIG weld last week aswell..!!! so now I can make everything I need!!! I'm still practicing on aluminum though!!!

If you just started TIG welding last night you ain't done learning yet.