Big swole, have you gotten this figured out yet? I had the same thing happen to me at my last run on the track. I know it isn't a head gasket, I have fire ringed in and have 625's on it. I get that same ticking sound from the driver side of my engine. I was also thinking injector because the truck had ran fine with the tuning the way it was, long before we hit the track. I also had a real rough idle until I turned the timing down, I gets clouds of white smoke sometimes at idle and it takes alot longer to spool up. Sometimes it seems to spool ok and other times it really lags. I never remembered it being this smoky ever...
Hey man!
Well, I will know more on Friday I hope......I just keep having more issues other than power....This last time, I blew one of the small little freeze plugs INSIDE the head....It blew a chit load of Antifreeze into my motor!!! I just installed the Dr. Performance Threaded Freeze Plug kit so this will never happen again....Might blow one of the block plugs but thats better than antifreeze in the motor!!
As for other things.....Well I found some galling on my of my intake rockers was almost locked up!! Im not sure if this occurred due to the antifreeze being in there or if this has been happening over time......Got it smoothed out and am going to re-use..For now!!
Jeff Garmon just purchased an expensive Injector machine....He's getting into the fuel business now...Injectors and testing!! SO, He tested all of my injectors Yesterday....Found One that was WAY outta spec for return fuel....
The machine has two tubes that show the Amount of fuel delivered and the Amount of fuel Returned...All of them hit just above the 18 mark on delivery and were right around 3 on the return......2-4 is within spec on return.....The one bad one was returing OVER 10!!!
SO , THAT was one of my problems with power!!! We swaped in a good body with my Flux 3.8 tip on the bad one and then tested it again!! We got 18+ on delivery and only 3 on return........So THAT should help a lot!!
I re-lapped in my valves also....Just to make sure they were fresh while I had the Head off....
I finally sprung for some ARP 625 Studs and have them torqued down nicely now.....Will have to do a couple of re-torques to make sure before I Thrash on it....
Haven't checked the FCA's yet on my CP3's....I'm gonna wait on that until I see if Installing the Fuel Pressure Regulator ByPass will help the HIGH RP issue at idel.....I'll be able to turn the Inlet pressure down to 8-10 psi like it's supposed to be....
ONLY MAJOR thing I Really worried about now is if I can get this Engine Flushed REALLY well and Salvage my bearings!!!! That Antifreeze is NOT good in the motor!!
As for you, you need to get Jeff G. or someone to test your injectors!! Soon!!
Have you done a compression test??
Maybe bore scope the cylinders to see if the pistons look ok.....
I hope you get it figured out and its NOT serious!!!