I felt that they ran the pull as well as they could, considering the number of trucks and weather. Tech this year went good i feel like i got treated the same as anyone else there. Now to our trucks, the little truck ran as good as expected, finished 3 and only 3feet behind 1st cant get much closer. The big truck ran very well friday had the lead for by 20 ft for almost the whole class tell the very end. Saturday we goofed up made a few major changes and didnt work in my favor. So thanks again to everyone who made it happen.
I would also like to say even though it was not fair how they didnt compact the track for the first 10-15 trucks, i dont feel it changed the out come considering i was the 8 puller and still qualifed 1st.
Glad to see you made it Wes. You had me wondering after talking to you on Thursday!!