SDX and the local community

The Scheid Diesel Extravaganza isn't a fair. No alchohol was promoted. Parties were not promoted.

Partying was promoted by people on this site and nothing was done to quench it.

As retarded as people are these days, you're either outlawing it, or you're promoting it. I know that's being rather black and white about things but we have all seen several rather stark examples of where one thing leads to another.

It would take Dan Scheid about 5 minutes to sign up on this site and just say "hey folks, here's our expectations for the event."

The people who need to get drunk to have fun are the people this sport does not need. Tough shyt.
Not prohibiting something and promoting something are different things to me.

Alcohol was not prohibited. The kiddie tractor pull was promoted.

Nwpadmax...I understand what you're saying though. I stand by my statement that it is a complex issue. One more thing to consider and work out among dozens of others. And it can't possibly solve all issues inside and outside the event.

I would venture to say a list of "rules" and statements concerning public safety and courtesy will curb most issues and change the scene. The rest will be dealt with by normal methods already in place. The worst offenders will then stand out from the crowd and be dealt with by police etc. The workload will be greatly reduced but understandably never eliminated. Thats impossible but OK to 99% of everyone I think.
You guys say you see it happening, do something about it.

I took the keys from someone in an arctic quad for doing a donut. I gave it to the nearest blue shirt I saw. They called a sheriff over and the guy got a talken to.

What a dick
What a dick

Why? Was it you?

Personally, I think it's great what Dan did...more people should do that, then people MIGHT get the hint that destroying property by tearing through grass lots is not OK. It helped ruin TS, and give the diesel community a big black eye, so the chit needs to stop!

When I go to an event, it's usually in my old 95 Dodge tow rig with my 98 on the trailer...both will black out intersections if I want them too, but somehow, I manage not to smoke out people every time I take off from a stop light/sign. Yet some other people can't seem to stop rolling coal!

There is no good way to fix this quick...hopefully our sport will last long enough to get through this, otherwise this 1/2 ton I'm building will just have to look nice in our showroom!

good way to get punched out .."playing daddy" Everyone wants to wear the daddy pants!!!...he's got no authority to do that. But, anyway...this is what we were doing..

YouTube - DSCN0188
good way to get punched out .."playing daddy" Everyone wants to wear the daddy pants!!!...he's got no authority to do that.


Indiana Code 35-33-1-4:

Any person may arrest any other person if:
(1) the other person committed a felony in his presence;
(2) a felony has been committed and he has probable cause to believe that the other person has committed that felony; or
(3) a misdemeanor involving a breach of peace is being committed in his presence and the arrest is necessary to prevent the continuance of the breach of peace.
A person making an arrest under this section shall, as soon as practical, notify a law enforcement officer and deliver custody of the person arrested to a law enforcement officer.
The law enforcement officer may process the arrested person as if the officer had arrested him. The officer who receives or processes a person arrested by another under this section is not liable for false arrest or false imprisonment.
Some of the guys in our group were bad enough I left them and went and sat with some other friends. I enjoy beer while I watch the pulls, but I'm resposible about it (most of the time :Cheer:). They weren't and I got tired of it and being called dad. No citizen's arrest for me. I got a lot more to lose than most of the drunk fools anyway.

The side by sides and ATVs need limited to pullers only. Register them like they do at other events. No truck, no need for a quad, camping or not.

I said when I left I'm done with it. I'll stick to the brush pulls and smaller events.
What a dick

Wow really hurts my feelings to be called that. If you think that is what I am then that is your choice, just like the idiot on the quad could have told me no when I told him to give me the keys. The funniest thing about it was he didn't, he handed me the keys.
As far as the ATV's, I'm a racer, mine would only be at the race track...if I had to pay something to be able to use it, I probably would. If they tell me I can't have it unless I have to have it to pull my racer, fine.

It's one of those things that everyone see's the big dogs with them, so they think it's fine for everyone to bring them.

good way to get punched out .."playing daddy" Everyone wants to wear the daddy pants!!!...he's got no authority to do that. But, anyway...this is what we were doing..

YouTube - DSCN0188

Nobody wants to wear the "DADDY PANTS" you morron. Its the immature AZZHATS like yourself, that tear up the fairgrounds and the streets that give all us diesel guys a bad name. Not a real competitor but a tag along to somebody that does compete, a shirt tale rider if you please, so you have nothing to loose in this except a place to get drunk and act like a F***IN retard. I commened Dan for what he did, it should have been done by more people. If you dont like what he did then thats tough. Obviously he cares enough about whats going on to do something about it.:clap:
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Nobody wants to wear the "DADDY PANTS" you morron. Its the immature AZZHATS like yourself, that tear up the fairgrounds and the streets that give all us diesel guys a bad name. Not a real competitor but a tag along to somebody that does compete, a shirt tale rider if you please, so you have nothing to loose in this except a place to get drunk and act like a F***IN retard. I commened Dan for what he did, it should have been done by more people. If you dont like what he did then thats tough. Obviously he cares enough about whats going on to do something about it.:clap:

My thoughts exactly ^. At least Dan had the balls to step in and do something to try and keep things under control. That's exactly what it's going to take to keep these big events from being ruined by immature jerkoff's who only look at these events as parties and not competitions.
My thoughts exactly ^. At least Dan had the balls to step in and do something to try and keep things under control. That's exactly what it's going to take to keep these big events from being ruined by immature jerkoff's who only look at these events as parties and not competitions.

I usually don't have them, but my wife was with me, so she let me have them back for a little bit.
maybe you guys missed my pull. We didn't tear up the streets or the fairgrounds or even blow smoke. We pulled the truck there with a gasser. I'm a competitor and didn't have an atv, artic cat, etc...You know what they say..opinions are like A-holes.. So sorry for putting my 2 cents in.

YouTube - jj scheids
Not prohibiting something and promoting something are different things to me.

No doubt...I agree with you in the sense of what should be, assuming you're working with sober, rational people. However, these large events have shown themselves over and over again to be loaded with retards who want to get drunk and compete in stupid human tricks.

I've never seen that kind of thing at the fairs around here, so that's where I'll be content. The other nice thing about fairs is, they're generally of sufficient size to have some security to deal with crap before it breeds. And they have the attitude that it will be a family atmosphere....I can take my kids and they love it.

Take my kids to Scheids or TS? Never.
I did both the GP and SDX on Saturday, and went to GP on Sunday...I didn't think there were too many cops around the track, at least no more than usual. I'd bet the ISP that was in Indy operate out of a different branch than the one in Terre Haute.

nah sunday was just the usual show of force and traffic control, saturday night was when most of the cops were out. There were thousands of bikes that showed up for motorcycles on meridian, really cool!

Back to the subject though, I am really glad this original post happened. Very well thought out and spoken, not just a grip and whine post but an informative one with positive solutions.
Nobody wants to wear the "DADDY PANTS" you morron. Its the immature AZZHATS like yourself, that tear up the fairgrounds and the streets that give all us diesel guys a bad name. Not a real competitor but a tag along to somebody that does compete, a shirt tale rider if you please, so you have nothing to loose in this except a place to get drunk and act like a F***IN retard. I commened Dan for what he did, it should have been done by more people. If you dont like what he did then thats tough. Obviously he cares enough about whats going on to do something about it.:clap:

haha he was in yur class azzhat hahaha