sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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Good reads Butt....

I think this thread needs to lighten up a bit.


it was a good try
Any how, where the phuk is Steve Cole? That SOB would want to know what dam pop stand, brand and certification it had to prove this test is an accurate statement! I can't believe nobody has asked that! This was probabaly done with a 1989 machine that has had some modifications done to it because it's been around so long and it has to be a bad test stand...................................
Any how, where the phuk is Steve Cole? That SOB would want to know what dam pop stand, brand and certification it had to prove this test is an accurate statement! I can't believe nobody has asked that! This was probabaly done with a 1989 machine that has had some modifications done to it because it's been around so long and it has to be a bad test stand...................................

lol i actually just spit soda on my keyboard ass wipe lol. thanks.

Maybe you should spend more time getting customers injectors done and shipped out rather then making your self look bad on here. Seems like for any customers to get their parts from you guys it takes a post CompD to rattle the cage for even a status reply. Thats just the outsider looking in. Seems in my opinion you ''sling'' more ''mud'' on your self then anyone.....

Chris and Jamie work to keep up as best as they can, I am speaking for myself and not SDX. You haven't seen Chris nor Jamie posting in here.

However I understand your comment, I am done with this. It was a simple find, that was handled carefully until this. Remember, building injectors takes time and effort, it's not as simple as reboxing a part for profit.
You have a huge SDX link in your Sig..... SO to me it looks like you are speaking for them...

Bad PR
Satisfied SDX customer right here. Hands down, no questions asked, I wouldn't deal with anyone but them for injectors. I've seen at least 6 or 7 sets put into trucks, including mine, and noone has had any problems. Stick that on your flow bench and test it.


And since I am already worked up...

What are you like 10? You don't get to put owned on your own post. This is CompD if you own someone we will tell you. :doh:
Any customer that is involved with me doing anything for them knows how to contact me, and where said project is time wise, rest assured.

Well enough, back to work, enough of the internet.
Why don't both of you guys just fist fight at the next diesel event?

If not, then STFU, and GTFO the internets.

When does being a site sponsor turn into being a "rate a competitors product" badge?

Are we going to start having competition parts making competitions?
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