sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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I PMed Zach about the subject, again he denied it. This was found to be an issue on several different engines, not one. Zach chose to handle the situation in this manner.

I believe most are missing the point, if there was no issue with the valve locks as Zach claims, why did he post this;

If you have any questions, feel free to let us know. We should be able to get the new locks in the next month or so.

I could not sit idly by and allow this topic to go undiscussed, yes I knew it would cause controversy. If there was no issue, great, if there was, it would save both Zach and his customers issues.
I could not sit idly by and allow this topic to go undiscussed, yes I knew it would cause controversy. If there was no issue, great, if there was, it would save both Zach and his customers issues.

I still call BS on your silly attempts at having his consumers best interest at heart.

You already admitted in other threads you were butt hurt over him not sharing piston info or manufacturer info with you.......... I am sure none of that had anything at all to do with your motives and going out of your way to contact people into checking things out. To bad you weren't professional enough to exert that same amount of energy into dealing with Zach one on one to look at the possibility of a problem.

While this thread is still a bad idea and poor taste I have to at least give Zach some props for openly admitting why he is doing it instead of trying to hide behind a veil of BS.
I think a few beers and some closed doors conversation would net better outlooks. This is a huge black eye for diesel.
at least business is good for the actual CompD forum! look at the views

amirite, amirite?
I still call BS on your silly attempts at having his consumers best interest at heart.

You already admitted in other threads you were butt hurt over him not sharing piston info or manufacturer info with you.......... I am sure none of that had anything at all to do with your motives and going out of your way to contact people into checking things out.

Why would I have given Zach all the piston information I did? I was simply interested in whom was making them, I stated several times that I was/am dealing with Mahle.

You can say I went out of my way to contact people, I know whom told you this. I made it very clear to everyone I spoke to that checking may be in their best interests, no slams, Cliff can and has attested to this.

Weston isn't lieing, I had to harass him to get any thing that could be construed as derogatory. And even then you would only see that if you were trying.

Truth is, and everyone knows it, my username could be Blue, Green, Red, Orange, or Black, I'd still say the same things.
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You can say I went out of my way to contact people, I know whom told you this. I made it very clear to everyone I spoke to that checking may be in their best interests, no slams, Cliff can and has attested to this.

First off you have no clue who told me that you can assume all you want but I know you have no idea.

I did not say you slammed him to the people directly. But the highlighted portion is the important part. I can call friends who just had the plumber at there house and tell them hey you might want to check to see if there is a bomb in your plumbing. Thats not slamming anyone but you bet your arse people are going to go look and assume there is a reason I told them that... Again if it smells like BS, Looks like BS and sounds like BS.......
If it smells like Truth, Looks like Truth, and sounds like Truth......then what?

Could be either, coins always have two sides, and two ways of interpreting it.
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I'll do you one better, I'll give you the list of people I contacted, feel free to ask them and see.

Jim Layden
Wayne Alberts
David Swank
Nick and Ryan Lusk
Cliff Wolgomott
I'll do you one better, I'll give you the list of people I contacted, feel free to ask them and see.

Jim Layden
Wayne Alberts
David Swank
Nick and Ryan Lusk
Cliff Wolgomott

Like I said contacting one person vs 5 still seems a bit less effort than contact 5 others about a product that isn't yours.
Good reads Butt....

I think this thread needs to lighten up a bit.


Maybe you should spend more time getting customers injectors done and shipped out rather then making your self look bad on here. Seems like for any customers to get their parts from you guys it takes a post CompD to rattle the cage for even a status reply. Thats just the outsider looking in. Seems in my opinion you ''sling'' more ''mud'' on your self then anyone.....

Maybe you should spend more time getting customers injectors done and shipped out rather then making your self look bad on here. Seems like for any customers to get their parts from you guys it takes a post CompD to rattle the cage for even a status reply. Thats just the outsider looking in. Seems in my opinion you ''sling'' more ''mud'' on your self then anyone.....

awaiting the bears reply...
Might be a good time to open up a injector, valve spring, and cam shop. LOL

Don't make customers post on the net to get a response of the status of an order.
Don't sling mud on the internet

I am sure there is more. LOL
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