sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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It appears I cannot answer someones threats without being labeled a "prick" or worse. Like I said, this is how I pay the light bill, if I cannot defend myself on here, I have no business being on competition diesel.

I have asked Timbeaux to delete my account and all of my posts. I will stick to cams and Weston can slam us uncontested.
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I have Hamilton products in my truck and they have been great. Within my circle of friends all of us have had great service and their products have been exactly as described. I gave sdx a chance and the 7x.012's I bought were horrible. Ran like 50hp DDP injectors. Asked sdx why and they said they could check the pop off pressure but I would have to pay shipping there and back. Decided to go with MJ Tool and Fab for fuel and just give him the 7x.012's as a core set because I wouldn't have felt right about selling them to someone else.
I really hate it when two great people kick each other in the nurts. :(

Sad to see, but it's been in the making for a while. I buy from both, a little internet hostility won't change that. I remember when "good injectors" were junk by todays standards at twice the price. Anyone remember Diesel Dynamics cams? Enjoy the fact that there are multiple sources and personalities.
I think to many people here are ignorant to the accusations, baiting and behind the scenes jabs that Weston has been making for the last few months. Then he contacts people trying to instill a sense of doubt and gets people on a bandwagon to do his dirty work for him. I have to hand it to him it probably worked better than he had originally hoped by getting Zach to bite and go off in open.

I don't agree with this thread or how it was done but on the same note I can't say I do not blame Zach for getting fed up and striking back.

For those so quick to jump on the bashing bandwagon you might want to do some more looking around and reading on other threads before so quickly jumping to conclusions. I think Weston has said enough indirectly to expose his true intentions while hiding behind the illusion of just being concerned about the consumer.

Worst part is it isn't good for either of you guys and in turn isn't good for any of the rest of us who purchase your products....

I suggest you do the looking sir. Weston is a god awful salesman. He will tell you what he feels works best regardless of the product name! Also he does not come on here crying because his spool flange isn't selling. Bottom line is I feel he will give you the truth if you like it or not. But by all means, keep buying into the hype...
Sad to see, but it's been in the making for a while. I buy from both, a little internet hostility won't change that. I remember when "good injectors" were junk by todays standards at twice the price. Anyone remember Diesel Dynamics cams? Enjoy the fact that there are multiple sources and personalities.

I had some Diesel Dynamic super mentals. "They are supposed to lope" LOL a 125 HP VP injector that is supposed to lope. LOL
Weston has been on me since Mid- December, slandering our products in the Hamilton Cams section while representing a product that is in direct competition with me. After asking numerous times for him to post negative press in the open forum and not in the Hamilton Cams section, I have had enough. In the same time that Weston has been slamming us, not one knock on SDX or Weston's products has been posted by me. I have asked him nicely to stay out of my section as a competitor, I have told him to stay out as a competitor. Since he ignored my requests, I figured I would post in the exact same manner about his injectors that he did about my springs. "just worried about the consumer"..

Anyone here can read the following thread and see if it is a "slam". We use the same lock, so I am also recommending people measure our's also.

Public Notice - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

Zach you take this behind the scenes drama too far, why have the people you support told me how belligerently defensive you have become? Truth is we aren't in direct competition, yes we sell valvetrain parts, but usually only to supplement someone already ordering other parts.

The posts that were deleted asked what the installed height was, then I thanked Micheal for posting the information, you came in swinging. You can claim what you like, and swear to the internet crowd I have it in for you, but why would I make it very clear to the Administrators of both websites that the thread posted on the lock subject was not meant to be derogatory?
It appears I cannot answer someones threats without being labeled a "prick" or worse. Like I said, this is how I pay the light bill, if I cannot defend myself on here, I have no business being on competition diesel.

I have asked Timbeaux to delete my account and all of my posts. I will stick to cams and Weston can slam us uncontested.

Big difference in defending yourself and starting a thread to directly slander someone. I did not see all of Westons post about you but I can say for certain I did not see him start a thread to directly slander you either

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I have Hamilton products in my truck and they have been great. Within my circle of friends all of us have had great service and their products have been exactly as described. I gave sdx a chance and the 7x.012's I bought were horrible. Ran like 50hp DDP injectors. Asked sdx why and they said they could check the pop off pressure but I would have to pay shipping there and back. Decided to go with MJ Tool and Fab for fuel and just give him the 7x.012's as a core set because I wouldn't have felt right about selling them to someone else.

Lmao.... that's a 7 hole for ya.
Big difference in defending yourself and starting a thread to directly slander someone. I did not see all of Westons post about you but I can say for certain I did not see him start a thread to directly slander you either

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Heard that. And then entire time I read through the thread I was looking for Zach to post up some sort of proof that what he was claiming is true. I could claim to all of you that the sky turned motherf****** green and it wouldn't mean anything unless I had proof. So basically what I'm getting at Zach is we wanna see..

Heard that. And then entire time I read through the thread I was looking for Zach to post up some sort of proof that what he was claiming is true. I could claim to all of you that the sky turned motherf****** green and it wouldn't mean anything unless I had proof. So basically what I'm getting at Zach is we wanna see..


I've seen wavy green lines in the sky. That makes it green right???? There are even pictures of it some where.
I thought Jamie was a moron for acting like he did, but even he didn't go away! He handled the heat and didn't delete his account over a little childishness ...
I know I have no reason to join in on this issue.

From everything I have seen and read on all these forums.
Westin, I understand one of your customers had an issue with the installed height of some valve springs. You were trying to get some answers from Zach about it all. I think Zach did a professional job in offering to have the head shipped to him to take a look and measure it all. I understand your customer had no want to send it to Zach. Understandable, takes a bit to ship a head and have the engine down that long. You and your customer came up with a fix. At that point you could have had a professional conversation about the whole issue in text message/phone/text messages, something. There was no reason to post about it in Zach's area. If an issue was found to be true I am sure Zach would have made a thread and attempted to fix the issue with past customers. He stated many of times he would do that if he could verify an issue. Car companies do the same thing, Chevrolet wont recall a car because a customer or dealer said there is an issue. They have to prove the issue themselves. At this point I can understand you being mad a striking back at Zach. This thread was a bit uncalled for. Be it there could be issues with your injectors (I do not know, I don't own a set), there were many other ways to go about offering services to test the pop pressure.

Now Zach,
I have nothing against you or Westin from this whole issue. To each his own right? I trust you do great R&D work and know your products. You know a lot more than myself. Westin has shown the appearance of attacking you in your threads. This is an issue with forums and talking online. You don't get the whole feeling for the issue. A phone call with both Westin and the customer could have solved a lot more I feel. It could very well have happened and I do not know. Leaning back onto the issue. If there was a problem with your product you tried to get the parts in question to very the issue. Fair enough in my book. Since you can't get your hand on the product there really isn't a true way you can very the issue. Now everything Westin has said or done and you did ask him at least 5 times not to post in your area anymore. I don't feel this thread was needed. It isn't going to prove anything. Everyone is capable of being a dick but there is no need to directly attack the competitor. That is what the track is for.

I hope this whole issue can be worked out. Both of you have wealths of knowledge the sport needs. I think both of y'all should just step forward and apologize or this whole escapade going on and shake on it. If issues continue to arise with said products maybe you two can work together to fix the issue in a professional manor.

That is about my .93 cents. haha.
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