sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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In fact there is nothing more to talk about.

Oh, but there is. Why so quick to go away Zach? Let's talk about your issue you claim does not exist on the cylinder head.

Let's talk about why you cannot provide a set of valves for the head that are the same length.

Let's talk about why you refund $500 cash on a cylinder head purchase if the person whom bought it is smart enough to notice an issue.
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Man to bad this wasn't happening with these two face to face it would make for a great pissing match LOL
You start a thread like this and actually think people are supposed to blindly believe the results you give about someone else's product?
2 great people in the diesel world that are trying to make the market and technology better are doing what?? Yea destroying each other behind a key board. That's a great step on performance
Satisfied SDX customer right here. Hands down, no questions asked, I wouldn't deal with anyone but them for injectors. I've seen at least 6 or 7 sets put into trucks, including mine, and noone has had any problems. Stick that on your flow bench and test it.

It almost sounds like comp461 logged on under smokem. Greg, is that you?

Greg is a step up in my book from someone who claims to be a "working man".

Let's see, you stated you sold ~ 1000 sets of 12v springs when it benefited your case.

Now knowing the pricing you make ~ $350 profit per spring sale. Now most people can do that simple math as to what you made selling springs for one engine in 2yrs. Keep pissing on the public and tell them it's raining Zach, they'll never figure it out.
2 great people in the diesel world that are trying to make the market and technology better are doing what?? Yea destroying each other behind a key board. That's a great step on performance

I could have left well enough alone, I was part of an informative thread about a product that was posted with taste, this was not.

I do not take **** of a salesman.
Don't be fooled, I can pull up the email of pages and pages of piston info and prints I willingly gave Zach Hamilton in a friendly gesture. Now this is how someone that wants to promote our sport returns the favor.
Greg is a step up in my book from someone who claims to be a "working man".

Let's see, you stated you sold ~ 1000 sets of 12v springs when it benefited your case.

Now knowing the pricing you make ~ $350 profit per spring sale. Now most people can do that simple math as to what you made selling springs for one engine in 2yrs. Keep pissing on the public and tell them it's raining Zach, they'll never figure it out.

I bought my beehive springs, retainers, and locks from Comp Cams directly and paid a little over half of what Hamliton was asking.... $.02
I popped my sdx injectors before install, they were good & perform as advertised. I have a hamilton cam to install when I have time & hopefully it performs as advertised as well.
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I will openly admit we run one of Zach's cams in our pulling truck. He gave me more than a fair price on it, and we are happy with the results.

Still doesn't change the fact this thread was started.
I think this is a bunch of crap. Two vendors that have there own places to post seem to be at each other. Grow up guys every one has mishaps where human. It will always be he said this he said that as to one haveing bad product. All that matter is if you sell to a customer in they have issue in there warranty period take care of them as you should. I say stay out of each others threads.
I bought stuff from Weston in the past and so have many of my friends. I am very pleased with the product and he has been great about getting stuff to myself as well as friends for a great price. I've had other peoples products in the past but I will always be going with stuff from Weston and SDX from now on. I've never chimed in until now but from reading the other thread about Hamilton heads it seems to me there could be some ulterior motive behind this thread. That's just a personal opinion. Carry on.
I think this is a bunch of crap. Two vendors that have there own places to post seem to be at each other. Grow up guys every one has mishaps where human.

I wasn't "after" anyone, I simply tried to set the record straight from the accounts of others.
I don't think anyone has much room to accuse the other of "ripping people off" when companies like BD and ATS are doing murder in comparison.

Simply a battle for small/corner market niche....
And Zach is concerned about the 11 sets we've sold in the last year, pushing in on his market aren't we.
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