sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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Well my injectors were within 3bar, but my "valvetrain" was advertised as 1.9" drop in installed height and was 1.81". Unbiased facts.

Hmmm seeing as how I know Weston had this information I wonder why he didn't post some cheese d!ck thread about it like the OP. Seems to me Zach if you had nothing to hide or no heat to try and delegate this thread would have never been made...
sheesh, its like wade took over their keyboards...... ya'll need to browse through he chive, relax, and toss both these threads in the trash. No one can make a perfect product, far from it comes straight from the factory, but we all want better, and it ain't easy, stuff happens, things are improved when situations are noticed, and we all move on and gain.
Not directed at anyone but everyone

At what point does someone need to be the bigger man?

Actions, quality products and facts should prevail over any bad words caused from or by honest mistakes and internet cowboys.
Not directed at anyone but everyone

At what point does someone need to be the bigger man?

Actions, quality products and facts should prevail over any bad words caused from or by honest mistakes and internet cowboys.

^ there we go, someone freakin gets it.
I have seen a few sets of injectors lately that were setup pretty poorly with pop pressures varying over 40 bar from Weston. I am not wanting to bad mouth anybody, but I do not want the people on Comp D to have issues because an injector builder cannot tell 260 bar from 310 bar. For this reason, if you send your SDX or Smokem injectors to Hamilton Cams, we will test and provide a detailed report on the pop pressures of your injectors for free for two weeks from this date. Pay for shipping and my work is free. I guess you could say, finding issues in your injectors is reward enough for me.


What a prick you are.
I think prick is an understatement...he should be banned for slandering another vendor like this in a public forum. How does this have no relation to his products? I dont listen to lady ga ga because she is a freak...the more that listen, the more money she gets. In no way will I support hamilton cams by buying his products due to his attitude and back stabbing business principles. But that is each his own.
Hmmm seeing as how I know Weston had this information I wonder why he didn't post some cheese d!ck thread about it like the OP. Seems to me Zach if you had nothing to hide or no heat to try and delegate this thread would have never been made...

He did and it got deleted. Just wasn't in the title.

Both of you cocky son of a beeches need to back off. Idk what happened behind the scenes but chit just hit the fan. I appreciate both of your opinions on YOUR products but this mudslinging has me stepping back from either of your products.

Zach, you have said about your products that sometimes bad parts get out but you will stand behind them and replace/refund. Ever think this may be what happened with Weston?

Weston, why delete what was said in the spring thread? Or did Zach do it? Idk if vendors have mod powers in their little forums but from an outsiders view, you swung the first punch.
Posted via Velocity LG ALLY
Personally, I'm not gonna base purchase decisions on how someone conducts themselves on the interweb...... If Steve jobs acted like a douche on the internet towards Bill Gates, I would still have bought apple products. I worry about how someone deals with me and those close to me... not their competitors.
Personally, I'm not gonna base purchase decisions on how someone conducts themselves on the interweb...... If Steve jobs acted like a douche on the internet towards Bill Gates, I would still have bought apple products. I worry about how someone deals with me and those close to me... not their competitors.

And thats where we see differently. Im not going to give my hard earned money to some douche to make him even filthier rich. I will find a product thay will fit my specifications that is made by less of a douche. Sometimes you dont have that luxury being that all of your options will be douches. I have a hard time giving my money to some scumbag backstabber but again to each his own.
I know how this appears to you all, but unfortunately you do not have my perspective. Weston has been on me since Mid- December, slandering our products in the Hamilton Cams section while representing a product that is in direct competition with me. After asking numerous times for him to post negative press in the open forum and not in the Hamilton Cams section, I have had enough. In the same time that Weston has been slamming us, not one knock on SDX or Weston's products has been posted by me. I have asked him nicely to stay out of my section as a competitor, I have told him to stay out as a competitor. Since he ignored my requests, I figured I would post in the exact same manner about his injectors that he did about my springs. "just worried about the consumer". I have customers that use Weston's injectors with good results, but I have seen issues with pop pressures especially . Am I the lesser man for not talking about it while he has been slamming me for 5months and then talking about it now? I have seen issues with SDX injectors before, am I wrong for not posting up about them to warn consumers in the way that Weston does? Am I wrong for posting information now? I am not making things up or lying about any ones products. I am not even saying that they are all bad. In fact they are good injectors, I am just saying that if you have them out, you should get them pop tested.

This is how I support my family. After letting the slander go unanswered for months, I matched the level of aggression, and it appears I have thrown the first punch. If this is really how it appears, I should not be on Competition Diesel.
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Weston, why delete what was said in the spring thread? Or did Zach do it? Idk if vendors have mod powers in their little forums but from an outsiders view, you swung the first punch.
Posted via Velocity LG ALLY

Those posts were removed by another mod under what I would assume came from Zach. Not myself.

Go back and read all Zach's cry me a phucking river threads and posts about how nobody loves him and nobody wants to buy his over priced china head and then have to get all his followers to pat him on the back and tell him its going to be ok . He is a straight up crybaby Mother ****er and when the cam I have here goes in the engine I'm building for a customer that he bought directly from Zach I will have a no Hamilton policy in my shop. I will not support the biggest crybaby in the diesel world. I will grind cams on a phucking bench grinder before I spend a dollar with this azzhole. And Zachy I'm still waiting on all these names of "National pullers" winning using your cams. Because there are none.

This is in no way the opinion of Compd and for a post I'm not a green guy here but of me the consumer.
Holy about publicity!

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I really hate it when two great people kick each other in the nurts. :(
Those posts were removed by another mod under what I would assume came from Zach. Not myself.

Go back and read all Zach's cry me a phucking river threads and posts about how nobody loves him and nobody wants to buy his over priced china head and then have to get all his followers to pat him on the back and tell him its going to be ok . .

Wierd, if you have to pay a lot for Chinese head you're doing it wrong. :shake:
I think to many people here are ignorant to the accusations, baiting and behind the scenes jabs that Weston has been making for the last few months. Then he contacts people trying to instill a sense of doubt and gets people on a bandwagon to do his dirty work for him. I have to hand it to him it probably worked better than he had originally hoped by getting Zach to bite and go off in open.

I don't agree with this thread or how it was done but on the same note I can't say I do not blame Zach for getting fed up and striking back.

For those so quick to jump on the bashing bandwagon you might want to do some more looking around and reading on other threads before so quickly jumping to conclusions. I think Weston has said enough indirectly to expose his true intentions while hiding behind the illusion of just being concerned about the consumer.

Worst part is it isn't good for either of you guys and in turn isn't good for any of the rest of us who purchase your products....
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