Sdx warning !

Good thing about driving the car is could have got hammered and drove back to the hotel at 100mph hitting every road sign and still wouldn't have got pulled over thanks to all the other idiots lol
Ok, well a can of beer or not, throwing crap at people on stage when you are there cause someone else is throwing a party is retarted, and im glad the other guy got shoved off the stage when he tried to man up for being and idiot.

Seemed like there was a lot of mouthing going on out of certain crews, we got called "looser 2.6 and 3.0 guys" by a cheerleader that was just hanging out with a mod crew cause some girls came and played beer pong on our table. Not cool. But guess what, i didnt throw anything at anyone.

What Mod team was allowing that to happen?
Sorry to hear. You missed an awesome event!!

The last two years I went my truck was vandilized and almost got ran over in our parking lot by some dumb **** that was falling down drunk doing burnouts. If it ever turns back into a decent event without all the drunks I may go back. I see it disapearing before that happens though.
I was there friday and saturday night with a DD driveing and we rode around for a while and through the hotels and parking lots and only had on issue with the cops. In front of the holiday inn we were going like 30 and a cop pulled a u turn right in front of us and we had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. Im glad there cutting down on things on the road but dont endanger other people just to give a ticket. As far as the parking lots personally i think they should stop the burnouts just becouse theres way to many people around and someone WILL get hurt and not to mention the debris that flys on to the other trucks but blown a lil smoke for some people that want it dont really see the big deal about that as long as its not on the road.
We noticed that the county guys were way bigger a$$'s than the state boys. at one point we had 8 state cops buy our camper, they waited for a bit till the guy with garden hose that was sprying people inside of trucks that didn't do burnouts got out of hand and chewed him a new one. talk to one of cops said heck idk what the big deal is about burn outs in fair grounds other than safty, i dont know why they dont set up some concrete barriers and lets guys burn money. Charge like 5 bucks a trip through burnout pit haha. It was alot calmer than other years i've been there. and that is a good thing, It can get too much. Used to be few drinks. have alittle fun, burn some tires blow some smoke and most all get along.... But now you look around in camp ground and could fine people fighting, barfin, tits out everywhere (not complaining, just makes it not family show. stripper polls are for strip clubs not diesel shows haha) and drunk minors behind the wheel of a diesel truck actin dumb! I am sure they make a killing on this show, do you guys see them ever stopping the show or is there way too much money involed??
I can see the city telling them they no longer want it there. Sure they mke money but look how much was spent on law enforcement this year.
Spraying water inside trucks WTF?

We noticed that the county guys were way bigger a$$'s than the state boys. at one point we had 8 state cops buy our camper, they waited for a bit till the guy with garden hose that was sprying people inside of trucks that didn't do burnouts got out of hand and chewed him a new one. talk to one of cops said heck idk what the big deal is about burn outs in fair grounds other than safty, i dont know why they dont set up some concrete barriers and lets guys burn money. Charge like 5 bucks a trip through burnout pit haha. It was alot calmer than other years i've been there. and that is a good thing, It can get too much. Used to be few drinks. have alittle fun, burn some tires blow some smoke and most all get along.... But now you look around in camp ground and could fine people fighting, barfin, tits out everywhere (not complaining, just makes it not family show. stripper polls are for strip clubs not diesel shows haha) and drunk minors behind the wheel of a diesel truck actin dumb! I am sure they make a killing on this show, do you guys see them ever stopping the show or is there way too much money involed??

If some kid sprayed water through the window of my truck because I didnt do a burnout the cops would have been searching for him because he didnt make it home to his parents.
But now you look around in camp ground and could fine people fighting, barfin, tits out everywhere (not complaining, just makes it not family show. stripper polls are for strip clubs not diesel shows haha).
Disregard this statement. 8^)
If some kid sprayed water through the window of my truck because I didnt do a burnout the cops would have been searching for him because he didnt make it home to his parents.
If some kid sprayed water through the window of my truck because I didnt do a burnout the cops would have been searching for him because he didnt make it home to his parents.

Haha yeah idk how someone didn't kill him. he prob did it to 20-25 trucks. few guys mf'd him but no one jump out and beat a$$. On the striper pole and flashin, I love to see it just as much as next guy, But thought it would be late at night, hell there was chicks raising up shirts by noon.... Cool and all but i'd never be able to take my son to SDX till he was old enough to know what to do with boobies :lolly:
I bet your a prime example of the people I speak of.

Yea your right, but you didnt go so you would not know.:bang I competed, so im in the pit area, not out where the people you speak of are, or where you are. If ur glad you didnt go... why do you have to tell everyone? Theres idiots at every event, if it keeps you from goin, im sorry for you.
:poke: Why all the anger, a little frustrated from the weekend???

Nope i had a great time! I just dont think its necessary for people to tell everyone how theyre glad they did not go. Good for them.
I was glad I didn't go until I heard stories of all these boobies. Now I feel like I missed out.
:poke: Why all the anger, a little frustrated from the weekend???

First off I am speaking for the group of us that were there with Rob, all of us had a blast. Winning is not everything. The 3 of us have put in countless hours on that truck the last couple of years and it finally is paying off. Adam and Evan are some of the nicest guys that we know. Hell Adam helped get the broken axles out of the truck Friday night so we could pull on Saturday. The only thing that anyone not only us were frustrated about was the 2 sleds for one class with the track going to crap. It was the luck of the draw and that is that. Now which truck was yours???


I bet your a prime example of the people I speak of.

I bet not... We were there to have a good time and we did. We drank with everyone and didn't do any stupid $hit.
First off I am speaking for the group of us that were there with Rob, all of us had a blast. Winning is not everything. The 3 of us have put in countless hours on that truck the last couple of years and it finally is paying off. Adam and Evan are some of the nicest guys that we know. Hell Adam helped get the broken axles out of the truck Friday night so we could pull on Saturday. The only thing that anyone not only us were frustrated about was the 2 sleds for one class with the track going to crap. It was the luck of the draw and that is that. Now which truck was yours???


I bet not... We were there to have a good time and we did. We drank with everyone and didn't do any stupid $hit.

Hahaha he doesnt have a puller, cause money wins pulls. LOLLOLLOL Or so he thinks...