Share a tune


diesel tech
Mar 24, 2008
Started this thread to see if anybody would be interested in sharing a tune for a SSR. I know they are truck specific but a base comparison would be helpful. Others who are running other tunes like S06 can share also.
here's mine SSR:

Here's your tunes calc split. You asked me awhile ago and I never got around to it.

This is for the above posted sample? Thanks a lot so what does it mean? Somebody give me a quick lesson on reading this!
Yes this is for the above sample you posted. Do you have a copy of Johns timing calculator excel sheet, that explains it best.

I think for pretty much everything over 2400 rpm & 30% load you can have the split more beteeen 40-50 , which means you could get a bit more power out of that tune. I'm sure someone will chime in if I'm wrong on that.
Why are you splits so low above 2600 RPM above 70% load? It looks like you add more timing.
Why are you splits so low above 2600 RPM above 70% load? It looks like you add more timing.

I pulled the timing back down to clear up the smoke! It wouldn't clear up just
black clouds at full throttle. Also the truck pulls harder according to my butt meter!
Should I raise the splits and do what with the timing
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Well it hard to tell with out seeing what your doing on your other tables. Have you figured our how to copy and paste each take into a spread sheet? My suspicion is your duration is cranked up along with tq management take may need adjusting..of you can post the calculator with all your tables in it that would be great.
OK I missed you program above. You really need to use that calculator but I would get your duration down to 2900us max and adjust timing based on the calculator. Drop you tq management so it max is in the low 70's. I think your smoke is from your tq management table. Try setting your tq table to something like this to see if it effects smoke.
3.1, 17, 30, 34, 37, 41, 49, 70
OK I'll give it a shot let you know in a few days! When you say 2900 us max what are you meaning in what range rpm or load? or across the board?
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OK I'll give it a shot let you know in a few days! When you say 2900 us max what are you meaning in what range rpm or load? or across the board?

Sorry. The 3600RPM / 100% load cell. Try to make your table between SSr30 -SSr40 sample programs but you really need to use the calculator. When you drop duration it will increase you fuel splits.
To copy and paste from UDC.
1. Open up a xls sheet.
2. Go to you UDC table in the 3D view.
3. Go to the lowest cell for example duration would be 600RPM @ 0% engine load.
4. Then hold down the shift key.
5. While holding down the shift key select the highest cell example 3600RPM@ 100%.
6. All cells should be grey now which means you selected them all. So now click on the ctrl + c keys to copy all cells.
7. Go to the spread sheet, click on a cell and click on the ctrl+V keys to paste all values.
Yes. So if just drop duration your timing value will be the same but your fuel split will go up. This is why the calculator is an awesome tool. It will show you what your splits are doing and where you can gain power. On my truck from 2600 RPM above 70% I'm at 50/50 splits.
Why are you guys SO set on splits? Why not adjust your timing to where the trucks is happiest?

FWIW, my spool zone "Split" is -150-200% and goes up to a 45%/55% at 2600rpm and up. This spools my S472 excellent and VERY minimal smoke even with 200hp nozzles and dual pumps.

Fuel splits are nice for top end, but will wreak havoc on your brain down low.

Just my $.02
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Why are you guys SO set on splits? Why not adjust your timing to where the trucks is happiest?

FWIW, my spool zone "Split" is -150-200% and goes up to a 45%/55% at 2600rpm and up. This spools my S472 excellent and VERY minimal smoke even with 200hp nozzles and dual pumps.

Fuel splits are nice for top end, but will wreak havoc on your brain down low.

Just my $.02

Fuel splits are nice for top end, but will wreak havoc on your brain down low.

Just my $.02[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you just stated but I will not go over 52 unless I get on a dino. High splits in cruise zone. Low splits in spool and high again at wide opened. If you look at his fuel split at WOT he's in the mid 30's. So I would assume he can gain power and drop egt's. His smoke issue is probably being to aggressive with tq management and may want to adjust his wastegate table as well.
Again I just flat suggesting tuning the truck to where it's happy...and put the calculator away.

I'd be willing to bet, on e it's where you want it, and plug that into your calc...the values will AMAZE you.