show me smokers

zstroken said:
Look at even tractor pulling, this sport simply won't ever bring in the $$$ racing will. Most of the people do this because they love it, it costs lots of cash to do it. It isn't like racing every weekend, where you can go to the local drag strip, or the local race track. Other than about 2 events a year, I have drive time of 3-4 hours round trip. I really think unless the housing market turns around, I think it will deal a blow to the diesel performance market.

I don't think the housing market has a much to do with it as fuel prices themselves. I mean other than the obvious its going to be hard to keep a down home sport alive when the cost to do it is strangling those involved. You said 3-4 hrs a trip well take into acccount that you have a trailer and tow the truck there is case something happens. Majority of the people are young and growing up so the housing development is going to hinder it in that you have to make a choice between a house for a new family or a race truck. That isn't going to be much of a choice but you also have to take into account who else is in the market. The trucks that do compete usually have some sort of a connection to the shops parts they run only helping them with prices (sometimes). However, everyone else trying to get into the sport has no connection and pay full price on parts that are sometimes not worth it to them. The diesel industry has come a long way and with the high performance end reaching into the main stream now more than not the sports are given a chance to grow but if no one steps up and takes a chance, does the research and comes to a company to sponsor them with reliable facts and figuere with way that the sponsor company can rely on and prove that they will get their money back is all that matters. There are 2 people in this sport. 1) the ones that only care about money and 2) the ones that love the sport. You have to find a medium or sneak it in there. If your going to get sposnored you have to prove how your going to get the company's money back to them and as of right now the norm of what we are doing is not going to cut it so you are going to have to bend to do what you love in order to get the moeny you need. This topic is hitting really close to home right now and in what I have been dealing with, this is what the results and views are.
Rhall said:
Clint Cannon does have a truck, its called boogie max. But lots of diesel shops choose to sponser trucks instead of having their own. MWD takes their truck to national events also, but i do not like to pull against them either. But hey theres nothing you can do, you really cant just kick them out, an nwmtpa is AGAINST any other diesel pickup classes at this time. Trust me ive been trying. The annual rule meeting for the nwmtpa is november 4th at the agency community center if you would like to try yourself.

Rob, I know exactly what you are saying about nwmtpa...i've read the posts on the website message board and talked to a couple of the officers and they are completely against dividing the diesel pickup class, even if it will help the sport and draw in bigger crowds...
GSM-01, actually, I didn't smoke the DD, just slipped it a bit to much trying 2ndHI, I pulled great in 3rdLO, so I am giving up on 2ndHI for now and am going to try 4thLO the next time. Its between 3rdLO and 2ndHI. Guess we'll see next year...I am looking for some injectors and turbo though....
GSM on the big picture you will see the housing market crunch effect the disposable income of people, especially near the cities. Lots of people do construction related business and have a diesel pickup. Their income will be less, and therefore spend less on their truck. This will trickle right on down. Shops won't have as much cash to work with, R&D will slow, etc, etc. I am not saying diesel motorsports are dead, just saying there is a good chane of a slowdown in the next year or so.

Jflagg what kind of charger? How big do you want?
JFlagg said:
GSM-01, actually, I didn't smoke the DD, just slipped it a bit to much trying 2ndHI, I pulled great in 3rdLO, so I am giving up on 2ndHI for now and am going to try 4thLO the next time. Its between 3rdLO and 2ndHI. Guess we'll see next year...I am looking for some injectors and turbo though....

You know to just call me if you need some. Give me a call alter anyways my phone has been finicky but it shoudl work this evening. 570-772-5519. Holler at me and we can talk about a few things and even this weekend.
zstroken said:
GSM on the big picture you will see the housing market crunch effect the disposable income of people, especially near the cities. Lots of people do construction related business and have a diesel pickup. Their income will be less, and therefore spend less on their truck. This will trickle right on down. Shops won't have as much cash to work with, R&D will slow, etc, etc. I am not saying diesel motorsports are dead, just saying there is a good chane of a slowdown in the next year or so.

Jflagg what kind of charger? How big do you want?

This is true. I was looking for at who was at the pulls this year however I can definately understand you point and see how its going to effect it now.
Some thing bigger than my HX40, but still streetable and good for Daily driving, say 62-64mm? Not much disposable cash though, so possible trades are what I'm really looking for.
What do you have to trade? Manual or automatic? The scheid charger is a
6 speed. A Honda CBR 600, my original HTT built HX40, an MTX speaker box w/ subs and MTX amp, stock2002 HO inj. and/or some pretty good metal fabbing skillsLOL The CBR is worth about 3500-4K, but I don't have the title, so selling it is difficult. I would be willing to take a loss if traded for something I can actually use(turbo or Redline or injectors)...either that or the motor/tranny is going into a crazy azz go-cart build:rockwoot: Just need a suitable frame....
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JFlagg said:
6 speed. A Honda CBR 600, my original HTT built HX40, an MTX speaker box w/ subs and MTX amp, stock2002 HO inj. and/or some pretty good metal fabbing skillsLOL The CBR is worth about 3500-4K, but I don't have the title, so selling it is difficult. I would be willing to take a loss if traded for something I can actually use(turbo or Redline or injectors)...either that or the motor/tranny is going into a crazy azz go-cart build:rockwoot: Just need a suitable frame....

You have a 6spd????? You have my attention...
Not trading the 6 speed....just answering the question about my tranny. Though, technically I have a 6 spd. to trade, but its in the CBR so I doubt it would work for anything you have in mind...:hehe:
As of now the Lighting is spoken for. I will holler at you if it changes.
Anyone local have a off-road gokart frame I could put a 600cc CBR motor in? Full suspension of course, one or 2 seats.....I do think I'll need a MUCH bigger rear sprocket though, I don't think I need all 160+mph:evil Guess I should put this in the "wanted" area....:bang
JFlagg said:
Anyone local have a off-road gokart frame I could put a 600cc CBR motor in? Full suspension of course, one or 2 seats.....I do think I'll need a MUCH bigger rear sprocket though, I don't think I need all 160+mph:evil Guess I should put this in the "wanted" area....:bang

Who needs a title?

Wasn't this about the Smokers anyways? Someone has got to step up and reclaim this group. Any takers or am I going to have to start looking into it? or is it like teh president thing, you have to be born in MO:rules: LOL
I don't think you have to be born in MO, you just have to sign a contract to never leave....:rules: I'd be game for joining....I was always kinda jealous of those guys when I first got my truck, it was slow, didn't smoke and I didn't know anyone to help me remedy those problems:doh: I think I have that solved now though:rockwoot: Plus, they had a cool sticker!
I'd be interested in joining...even though I'm currently truck-less...that will soon change though
It has been discussed before among me and a few close friends. If the Show Me Smokers were to come back I think we would have to show a bit more force other than slap a sticker on the truck. I not saying having a meeting everyday tuesday at 8pm that is manditory but if a sanctioning body were to get together I think it would also solve the problem of getting these classes going. What all it entails, I have no clue. I live in the springfield area so I'm partial to down here but others around the area would help. I guess the main thing would be should it be a true sanctioning body or just a friend type deal. Plus I'm still getting used to all you guys here in MO and don't know a ton so help getting the word out would be even more important. With what I'm currently working on for next season time is tight and I don't have much free time but I'm willing to look into what I can. I think its a good idea.
If your interested in joining, I can get you an adress to send your $100 membership fees too. $5 for membership, and $95 to cover administrative costs. :)
zstroken said:
If your interested in joining, I can get you an adress to send your $100 membership fees too. $5 for membership, and $95 to cover administrative costs. :)

I was thinking more along the lines of $85:hehe: