Single CP3 Shootout, whos gona make it?

Its neither here nor there but I hope everyone shows up to the game. It should be interesting to see the results! Good luck to all the participants!!!
These are my opinions, seems everyone has their favorite to buy from, or to support. The evolution of the CP3 has come along over the years, I like to think I had a good deal to do with this. As for copying, noone will own up to who copied whom. They never will, they will tell you they had the idea long before you did. It is like pole vaulting, the bar keeps getting raised until you can't get over it anymore, just means you have to keep trying.

Ideas are great, it usually takes the involvement of others to make it all happen though. I have great appreciation for those behind the scenes that have the ability to make my ideas a reality.

The CP3 hasn't achieved all it has to offer yet, I will tell you this though, Bosch did a very fine job when they designed them. Being able to duplicate their quality and clearances is no small feat.
Well, so far Bertha is a sexy beeyatch. Great street manners, no prob with a capped rail and flux 3.5's. no crazy spikes. Maxes the sensor at WOT with no drop on the street. Getting it on the dyno now to datalog.
Then the 300hp fire hoses go in. we'll see if she can hang!
all else aside, i live in good ole kansas (a looooooong way from utah) and a lil birdy whispered in my ear about a phone call that was made from UTAH to a lil machinest in a VERY small kansas town. This machinist(we will call him frank) told me that this UTAH resident/business man(we will call him stan) was very very curious about some little parts that frank makes for someone we ALL know. Stan kept asking about cam profiles, plungers, and their measurements!!!! Also, Stan asked frank to sell him the EXACT parts that frank has been machining for a certain kansas vendor........ It turns out that Frank told Brady(SHOOT I MEANT STAN!!!!) that if he wants parts made, Stan can provide the specs so frank can build them but he WILL NOT give away the secrets of THE pump innovator!!!!
The lesson here is, if someone is the so called biggest and baddest, why is he trying to get FLOORIT PARTS?!?!?!?!?!
Hey COMP, can you enlighten me here? It just seems that this really shines a light on things.
Either way, im sure you II die hards will get all worked up over this but the truth hurts sometimes.
Now about this 399% over stock pump........................................

.......damn i ran out of popcorn to eat waitin on a reply.......
wow not a single response after my news?!?!?!?!?!?
i thought stan might have something to say about this but i guess theres no comeback when the truth comes out!!!! lol
i know the word has gotten back to him.......................
good luck to all the participants!!!!
I might just buy them and dyno test them myself if this dont happen

Just really dont wana buy one till i know its better then the one i got tho
I know of one shop that has access to a floor it pump, an 85% pump from II, and a dragon slayer. Hmmmm, come to think of it they have a dyno too.
I can also get a floor it and i have a II 85 the wicked pump is what i would need. but i dunno if it would be fair to the vendors there all used and might not be up to new standards therefore not giving good results
I tried to get this done but no one was up for it. It wouldn,t be accurate because the floorit pump is a stage 4 and the other two are stage 3's. It would still be goos to see this sooner than later.

I was out at johns saturday and like he has always said, anytime, any place. I'm sure wicked is up for it too. II is the one were waiting on......................
If were gonna do it, they might as well bring the biggest and baddest out and do it cause anymore, that would be the only fair test because this is all about being the alpha dog of the pump world. Someone needs to get on stan about this.......
I was out at johns saturday and like he has always said, anytime, any place. I'm sure wicked is up for it too. II is the one were waiting on......................
If were gonna do it, they might as well bring the biggest and baddest out and do it cause anymore, that would be the only fair test because this is all about being the alpha dog of the pump world. Someone needs to get on stan about this.......

You need to give II some time to copy John's and Shanes pump before they will bring one to the game... at that point, John and Shane will have something new.. rinse and repeat.
I know of one shop that has access to a floor it pump, an 85% pump from II, and a dragon slayer. Hmmmm, come to think of it they have a dyno too.

I tried to get this done but no one was up for it. It wouldn,t be accurate because the floorit pump is a stage 4 and the other two are stage 3's. It would still be goos to see this sooner than later.


I know of that shop too I am down to see what happens we will need les for this though the stage 4 pumps will have to do their own shoot out
I know of that shop too I am down to see what happens we will need les for this though the stage 4 pumps will have to do their own shoot out

I really don't care what "stage" somebody wants to call their pump. I draw the line at reliability. Bring out the biggest baddest pump that will last 100,000 miles, and get it tested. les' II pump, joe's floor it pump, and eriks old wicked pump were all best of the best as of about a month ago. Every shop will say they have something better, but that is what is available to the average joe NOW.

Flow readings are meaningless unless tested at actual operating pressures -- i.e. 23,000 psi.

If the test can't be conducted under actual operating conditions, then it should be a hp test on a dyno. Select a test truck, load standard smarty software and a pressure box everyone agrees on. Each cp3 builder brings their own injectors and cp3. The builders are allowed to make changes to the smarty and pressure box as they see fit -- no other changes. Draw out of a hat to determine order of testing.

btw, this will never happen.

I would like to see this also, I'll even bring a baby pump for comparison. :hehe: