Sled Pulling Commentary

any results on the sled pull as far as who qualified and what places they finished in the final?
No qualifying due to weather delays. Haisley took it with Off constantly and Rock Hard Ram. Not sure about farm tractor and 2.6
I left with 2 trucks to go....the Caged Hooker DMAX was out front in 2.6
so they just pulled the entire 2.6 once and that was that?
I didn't make it down this year but from what I hear they had a pretty good showing for the 2.6 LITER class LOL And evidently Matt Sparkman's truck is fresh off of the showroom floor.
Rob and the Caged Hooker did win in 2.6. Congrats to him and his crew, a great way to start the year.
I thought she did a great job announcing. She put a lot of work into it, too. She interviewed a lot of the drivers herself to get the info she had.

Good sound system, too. Could've used some more speakers on the finish end of the track but it sounded great every where else.

Much more entertaining to me than the old farts that are usually announcing a pull telling the same old dry jokes on a PA speaker you can only hear if you're sitting under it.:blahblah1:

I heard a whole lot more "dumb arse comments" from the people sitting around me than I did out of the announcer. Arm chair pullers that knew more about how to pull than the pullers. :bang

Once again, Dennis and the gang showed how to do it right.$.02:clap:

I think she did a great job.

When she said "With the name Panty Dropper you should be able to perform"

That was F-ing great...

The thing I didn"t understand was the board that showed the distanced only worked for the first few trucks.
Haha and she said "I doubt that distance will get many panties to drop" LOL:clap:

Had a great time, hopefully next year we don't have such a rain delay!
Yes great show by all the pullers!! Great way to start off the year! Hope next year has NO rain in forecast! I think that what they meant! LOL!
I think the $25 entrance fee was a little excessive. Guess it is like gas prices, you can charge what you want when people have the demand for it.
$25 is not bad at all. If you dont think you got your $25 worth you must have been looking in the wrong direction the whole night. We have some pulls here that charge $40+ per person.
I did get my money's worth..... Just said it caught me by surprise that it was 25 at both events...
The $80 hook fee was a bit more than it should have been for the size of the purse.